Page 2 of the Photo Album...

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These pics are old too...sorry!

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This is a picture of some of my friends and me at after-prom after we sang on the karaoke machine my junior year. I am the only junior in the picture...the rest were seniors. From left to right: Beth Wilson, Jenni Glaser, Krista Fischer, me, LeAnne Beebe, and Samantha Brown.

This is a picture of me at prom junior year.

My friend Jay Kissel told me he wanted me to put a picture of him on my page, so this is him sitting at Ed Debevick's Restaurant in Chicago in 1997 when we went there for the National Journalism Conference.

My friend Ryan Roling also wanted his picture on here, and he wanted me to use this horrible one of him dressed in drag as "Trixie" from spirit week junior year. I also put his school picture next to it so you could see what he really looks like.

Angela Moll, another one of my friends, also wanted her picture on here so I put this goofy one of her after she got done at a swim meet.

This is Lori and me after graduation when we were juniors. We had to wear those corsages because we were officers for our class and we had to hand out programs.

This is me from the last day of school in yearbook class in 1997.

Be sure to visit all of the pages of the photo album!

Page 2 of the Photo Album
Page 3 of the Photo Album
Page 4 of the PHoto Album
Page 5 of the Photo Album
Page 6 of the Photo Album


Page 7 of the Photo Album!

Page 8 of the Photo Album!

***Page 7 is pics from Halloween and when my friend Brooke came to visit me, and Page 8 has pics from rush and some friends from home!***

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