Page 4 of the Photo Album!

Wow, I finally got some new pictures on here! These are mostly pics from my senior year of high school (1997-98). ENJOY!

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This is a picture from Spirit Week of my Senior year. This is my friend Lori Hughes and I on maroon and gray day.

This is my friend Tom Taylor and me at Ball State University. Tom goes to Ball State and runs track and cross country for them.

This is me before prom. My date was Brad Hall but he wasn't there when this picture was taken.

Lori Hughes, me, Brooke Bowler, and Melissa Hilgeman at prom. We were all best friends throughout high school. Lori now attends the University of Evansville, I go to Indiana University, Brooke attends Purdue University, and Melissa is a senior in high school.

This is Lori Hughes, Brooke Bowler, and me doing "The Lasso" at prom. "The Lasso" is something Brooke and I made up our sophomore year when we tried to catch Cross-eyed Cowboy Joe at the dances! haha

This is my 3200 meter relay team from track. The members were Crystal Stock, me, Meghan Keck, and Kelli Seifert. This pic was taken at Big 8, where we got 2nd. We eventually advanced to Regionals.

This is Lori, me, and Brooke, a.k.a. "The Tres Hombres" at the State track meet in Indianapolis.

This picture was taken on the last day of school during last period. It is Brooke and me with our friend Jon Wainman, whom we also called "Woody." We used to write notes to him all period long in this class (Econ).

This is Chad Houchin and me after graduation. Chaddy has been my best guy-friend ever since 7th grade. He currently attends Western Kentucky University but he'll be coming to IU next semester.

This is me and Brooke after graduation.

This is my cousin Josh Susott and me at my house after graduation. All of my relatives came over afterwards. Josh and I are like brother and sister.

This picture was taken by Brooke's aunt Cheri at New Harmony State Park in August before she and I headed off to college.

***Be sure and visit PAGE 5 of the photo album!!!!***


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Page 7 of the Photo Album!

Page 8 of the Photo Album!

***Page 7 is pics from Halloween and when my friend Brooke came to visit me, and Page 8 has pics from rush and some friends from home!***

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