Photo Album Page 7!

Pictures from Halloween and when Kitty Hawk hit IU!

Sorry if these pics are sort of blurry...I am a horrible scanner person.

This is me on the Thursday night before Halloween when we went to a costume part at Alpha Sigs. As you can tell, I am a HIPPIE! I had to wear that costume 3 nights in a row....we went out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and let me tell you that the 70's fashions were getting a little bit old.....

This was on the actual Halloween night...everyone is (left to right) Gina the hula girl, Kate the flapper, Ann the herum girl, me the hippie, and Leslie the hippie. We went out to lots of parties and everyone loved out costumes! :-)

Here's my pal Wendy on Halloween night...she was a bumblebee! She didn't actually go out with all of us but we met up with her later at a party at her cousin's house.
Here's my best friend Brooke (a.k.a. Kitty Hawk) and me before we went to Fiji one night when she came down from Purdue to visit me! It was "Kitty and Olivia back together again!"

Here I am puckering up for the camera before Brooke and I went out.

KRAAAAZY KITTY always has a goofy face up her sleeve! This was before we went out, so you can imagine how hyper she was AFTER we went out!

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Be sure to visit Page 8 of the photo of my friends and me before rush, and pics of some of my pals back home!!!!!


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