new 6/1/99

  • #1 Budapest
  • #2 Budapest

  • new (as of 5/7/99)

  • #1 'tis i, in Kraków, Poland
  • #2 my Gs, Claudine from Québec and Mike from New Zealand, in a castle courtyard in Kraków
  • #3 taken by a leather-friendly polish fellow

  • new (as of 4/26/99)

  • #1 a weekend with some foreigners like myself in a castle/hostel in
    Mödling, 30 minutes from Vienna
  • #2 no lies, it's me in rome. i went with my austrian comrades.
  • #3 from the serbian-viennese "anti-nato" protest
  • #4 dan and i with famous "big ben"
  • #5 john and i, trafalgar square

  • the following photos are ancient

    Pictures of the Fuhrmanns

    these take a century to load, and even then you'll probably only be able to see the top 5% of 'em. but they'ze all i have right now.
  • #1 Dr. Walter Fuhrmann and the most popular car in the family
  • #2 Fanny (host sister) and Veronika (host mother) with Berni's
    puppies. Berni looks just about the same, strangely enough
  • #3 Walter Jr. (now in Nebraska w/AFS) in his/my room
  • #4 Everyone at Oma's house for Walter's birthday
  • #5 Dr. Walter out back with the Barbecue

  • Pictures of Leoben

    these are all i have at the moment. I stole them from
    the Leoben homepage.
  • #1 (a bad picture of) The river Mur. It's about 100 yards from the
    back of my house.

  • #2 This is...well, it's in Leoben. Haven't figured out yet.
    But it looks cool at night.

  • #3 Ladies and Gentlemen: A building, and Austrians.

  • #4 This is a view of the entrance to the Hauptplatz. To get
    there you gotsta go over the bridge and through the famous
    Leoben "Schwammerltürm" : "Mushroom Tower". The kids like to
    make me pronounce it for a good laugh. ha.

  • Innsbruck

    All of these are taken from a steeple in the middle of Innsbruck.
  • #1
  • #2
  • #3

  • Vienna

  • #1 Me with the 2-months-no-cut hair in Stephansplatz, Vienna
  • #2 A view from Stephansdom, biggest Cathedral in Vienna. the Fuhrmanns' apartment
    is the fifth floor on the second building on the left, Just past the one with the green stuff on the top
  • #3 Stephansdom from the apartment window

  • Pictures from the AFS-Austria orientation

  • #1 We waited in Vienna for 8 or 9 hours in this little room in a
    conference center across the street from the airport. These
    are all Americans. The fetal punk in the back was my roomate in
    New York, who is...well, a fetal punk.

  • #2...This here's the boarding school that everyone stayed in...

  • #3 The Pingpong table and gym (in back) where folks often went to
    do nothing. That's Tracy from Australia on the left, Alex from
    New Zealand in front, Isaac from Australia in back, Carl from US
    on the right

  • #4 This is Mike from New Zealand on the right, a swell fellow
    that i met up with later on in Vienna.

  • #5 They let us out of the school once during the week.
    We went to Graz, the 2nd largest city in Austria. bought food.

  • #5 this is all of AFS-Steiermark, home state of Arnold S.
    We meet every other Wednesday right across from the
    building up there in his home town, Graz. yee-haw.

  • #6 This is me in my 'intermediate' German class. Bernd (back left)
    was my wacky Austrian instructor.

  • #7 AFS-Austria. All 120 of us.