Yup, This is me *GRIN* I am 4 years old. I live in Washington state.

Here are some things I like.

I love to play ! I like a few foods:)

I love to go to Burger King with Dad for lunch!

Now this is fun to leave on the car seat even though I don't think mom likes it berry much :(

These are my favorite candy of all times!

I just adopted these from Kristina's page. She made me promise to take good care of them and I WILL! Thanks Kristina!

My mom just went to California over Spring Break and brought me back a set of these. I LOVE THEM MOMMIE!

I sat through an entire movie for the first time! My mom was so proud of me. I just love It's a Bugs Life! I also stayed up for the New Years. We had what I call stine, but my Mommie says it is Martinelli's Sparkling Cider. I don't care what it is, as long as I get it in one of those fancy glasses she has. My favorite part was the toast thing. *CLANG*

Lego's are so much fun! Everyone should play with these!

This is my very own Diny Dot....I adopted him at Viki Mouse's house. Everyone should go get one. I have so much fun with mine;)

This is my bestest lil cyber buddy of all times. She is also the cutest too! Her page is SUPER! please go tell her I said hi.

Go visit Cailtans page and play her FUN games. Also be sure and look at her beautiful Pictures.

Thanks for dropping in to visit. Be sure and sign mom's guestbook!

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This Page was last updated on January 3, 1999 :By Mommie