...Someone Special...
This page is dedicated to a very special person in my life named Mark. He has been here for me no matter what, and I love him so much for that. Well I'm sure everyone is wondering how we got hooked up, so lemme tell ya..*smiles* Lets..I went with Marks bestfriend..for about 6 months..and during some of that time..he cheated on me..and Mark told me what he was doing because he said he didn't want to see me get hurt. I was soo glad that he told me that..because in a way I wanted to be with Mark and not Adam(his friend-my ex), so that night I broke up with Adam, Mark and I talked for a very long time..and then we started going out..It was on April 1st..*smiles* Now the 1st day of every month seems to be my favorite..*smiles* Well I guess I should let you get going..*S* Just remember..I Love You Mark..*kiss* *smiles*