froggie froggie
welcome to the
Lily Pad!
The Lily Pad -- where dreams become reality,
and reality becomes, well,
a dream...


allow me to start off with: i hate being sick...i hate hospitals...doctors suck...nurse ratchett (let's see - does anyone remember the flick this nasty nurse was in?) lives and works in the main hospital of my hometown...needles ? just let me die, thanks...

dunno what hit me, but it left me with a fever of 103.5+ for days, a whopping u.t.i., a viral infection, a sinus infection, bronchial pneumonia and a migraine that would've laid Godzilla flat on his radioactive arse...consequently, i'm on lots of nasty, ill-tasting, melt-in-your-mouth badness that takes two full glasses of cranberry juice (not the good cranapple, the really foul cranberry cocktail) to get rid of...

once i can focus again, i'll be working on getting some poems typed and my eldest wants me to digitize some of her drawings and comics...anyone want to buy me the 4k$ digitizer ? mwahahahahaha

love each other - and huggle someone today !
the lost froggie


well - this'll teach me to forget my password, the zip code i signed up with AND cancel my old e-mail address without thinking...holy many changes...Miss Jean has since passed on, October of this year.../ girls are teenagers (well ok - ONE of them is, the other is pre-teen) - - - may whatevre gods are present have mercy on me...or maybe them...i haven't decided yet...

the majority of my time lately has been spent on another site (no, i'm NOT a traitor, i just got busy and sidetracked)'s an EverQuest website for my guild, and you can view the site at Sacrosanct Legion...

i found out my midi files were causing a huge lockup-problem on the main pages - which prompted me to figure out where i was living when i set this site up originally, and attempt to fix things...i've removed all the play-midi links, but the tunes can still be downloaded...i hate Quicktime, unless it's quicktime march ((as I'm bobbing my head up and down))...
the lost froggie


wow - well - quite a lot has happened - took a vacation to New Orleans/Mississippi (pronounced N'orlins and Missip) - saw my sister, who i've not seen in 23 years - talk about an emotional roller to see a woman who helped change my diapers and raise me as a kid - she's not goin' to be with us much longer, i

Miss Jean - you will always be in my thots and did much for me when i was a who my mom counted as best friend, who always had a hug, a shoulder, and an ear when it was needed...i love you, Miss Jean...

i corrected a few mistakes - fixed a dead page...lil stuff...
the lost froggie

Happy birthday, Zuul!!!
light of my life, munchkin extraordinaire - not quite sure what i'd do without you - i love you...

Happy Birthday, Gozer !
my faerie princess, my snuggle-bunny - i love you...

well, i was *GOING* to post some poetry i wrote while in California and post a few pix from various road trips, but when i pulled the pages, i got quite {expletive deleted here} appears that a server (we won't say who, use your imagination) ate my counter program...
rah rah ree, kick 'em in the knee
rah rah ras, kick 'em in the OOPS - sorry :)...
anyway, so instead of postin' and playin', i've done some site maintenance...i think the counters're fixed, but please, if you find somethin' amiss, click the email-eatin' frog and let me know...
may you all have a ribbitous day...
huggles to all :)...
the lost froggie


Happy birthday, Dad!!!
I love you !!!
I'm so grateful and lucky to have you - words cannot even express it...
the lost froggie

i just got back from my California trip
let me tell you, convertibles are NOT overrated...decided i'd go thru my mid-life crisis now (ok - im in my 30's - i'm allowed) and rented a 2000 Mustang SRS convertible...heaven, pure and simple :)...drove up and down the California coastline, went to the desert, climbed a mountain, and completely de-stressed...i'm DEFinitely goin' back :)...i'll get the pix developed and uploaded soon...i hope :)...
huggles to all :)...
the lost froggie

OH !!!
Happy birthday, Mom!!!
I love you !!!
You are my best friend, and no one could be luckier than i...
the lost froggie

i'm bored, and i'm at you get to see the new stuff and re-arrangements i've been makin'...
lucky you, right ? RIGHT !
i've added a few thin's to the Poetry page...removed the Thots & Ramblin's page and incorporated that information here on the What's New page...
well, tomorrow's Memorial're outta school, i'm off work...
we're goin' to the beach...if i ever get the scanner to behave with the computer, i'll put the pix up for ya :)...
huggles to all :)...
the lost froggie

yippie ki-yay (thank you, Bruce Willis, for the remainder of that phrase), it's Tax Day again...
i just wanna say
for my 2000 mark !!! :)...

huggles to all :)...
the lost froggie


may the New Year bring all that which you desire

the lost froggie

the final day of this year and decade...i'm always a bit sad on this date...i mean, everything you've seen and done is gone...course, i always make it better by throwin' a hellacious New Year's Eve party...
oop!! gotta go, there's the doorbell, and i've jello to finish :)...

the lost froggie

well geeeee-eee-eee whiz...i couldn't's laff-riot for ya :)...this was sent to me from one of my best friends (and Miss Lynn, know that i miss you) once again, for your herb-free giggles, i present to you, Bumper Stickers We'd Like To See...
the lost froggie

and hells bells, here's a GREAT chuckle for your days!!! laff yourself senseless on the Giggles of the Lost Froggie page, extra-dimensional giggles without the herbal intervention with the Sayings that should be on buttons...
the lost froggie

wow, christmas day...and here i sit, at work, glarin' at the phone and workin' on the site......well, life goes on...the kids had a good time, as we had our christmas on c-eve...and i must admit, my fave has to be the beautiful stained-glass gift that my eldest made...oh, alright, it's painted saran wrap over aluminum foil ovaer a paper plate to many of you, but to me, that gift and her smile is worth more than all the store-bot stuff you could pile in a semi...
'tween my jobs, the rare occasion of sleepin' and the recent move (I GOT A HOUSE!!!), it's been a busy month :)...but for those of you who lean toward the eccentric and enjoy the bizarre, i've made a few updates :)...
check out the newly updated Giggles of the Lost Froggie page with a new insight to what I've Learned...

may you have the most wonderful of holidays !!!

the lost froggie

am not real enthused to keep this up of in that wonderful mode of "blue funk" where i wonder why the hell i even bother...but since i DO bother, i guess i should at least let someone glimpse what it is to be me...i updated the Thots & Ramblins page with a link to my Memories page...yah yah yah...hope your days are better than mine of late...
the lost froggie


i truly don't know what possessed me, but my mind went motorvatin' down Memory Lane last week...this page would have been up already, save for the fact that i was tired and wanted to get the hell out of the office, or i'd have uploaded it here i am, back at the office, and here's the page :) quite interestin'...some fond memories, some fads that scared me, and a few surprises as well :)...

3-day weekend, here we come !!!
i never understood why we have Labor Day, but hey! it's a day off, right ?
i just wanna say
for my 1000 mark !!! :)...

i owe y'all a great big hug for makin'a horrid day get better ! :)...

the lost froggie

hi all!! hope all is well with you...a few updates worth mentionin'...Linda Ellis e-mailed me to let me know she's the author of The Dash, which can be found on the Others' Poetry sure to visit her site as well, which can hopped to from the poetry the Giggles page updated with some new chuckles, so laugh away :)...
the lost froggie

hoppy summer !!! hope you're stayin' in outta the sun and the heat :)...the veggie page is updated...i changed the format, so let me know if you don't like it :)...
the lost froggie

RIiBBeT RIiBBeT !! a few updates, a few new thots & ramblin's :) my webring links :) a happy hopper ! :) well !
the lost froggie

y'know...i ask myself "Self" (and yes, i do phrase it that way sometimes), "Self", i say, "Why is it that we have children ? Have we not learned from our parents' mistakes and the mistakes of the parents of our friends ? Do we learn nothin' from generation to generation ? i don't truly believe we do, for, if we did, we as a species would realize that while *recreation* is a good idea, sometimes *procreation* is not...let's face it, there are some peeps who just should NOT be in the gene pool, ok ?...admit it, you know at least one or two of them...just think for a minute, and their names will come to, i ask myself, Why do we continue this downward spiral ? Why not simply nip and tuck where it's needed and go from there ? it would effectively eliminate a lot of the useless waste and dead weight...However, the moralists argue, it's not humane, it's barbaric, it's *immoral*...would you like to know what i say to that ??? eh ? thot not...those of you who *truly* know me need no explanation :)...

hi all ! general updates to all pages...added sounds, some base info...pull up a pad and relax !
the lost froggie

For somethin' TRULY deep and insightful,
check out the Ptyrtl's Rants Page
and the Ptyrtl's thots on Role Models is especially refreshin'...

sometimes i sit and wonder, why do we continue ?...why do we keep trying ?...what is it that makes us sally forth to meet each new day, rather than turn over, throw the covers over our heads, and groan audibly that the world can just go to hell ?...i know i, for one, have wanted to do just that (ignore the world, and hope it goes away) many times...but for some odd reason, i still get up, stare the day straight in the face, and beg for a strait-jacket...i know you're laughin'...i can tell :)...but it's ok :)...i don't really mind...rather you should laugh than cry, y'know ?...but answer me this...if you can...WHY, just perzactly WHY, do we not just chuck everythin' to the dempsey-dumpsters and start over ? there some drivin' force ?...kismet ?...destiny...the fact that if we don't, we curl up and die ?...and just how do we make the rational decision that we DON'T want to curl up and die ?...i'll keep my opinions quiet if you do yours...i'm just curious, is all...just a questin' froggie :)...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA !!! may this year be brighter than the last, yet not so bright as the next ;")...i love you, Momma !!!
as for updates, all the pages have been updated, and there are new links on the Poetry Page to some of my favorite poetry and music, and just an aimless thots area :)...hop around and have a fly ! er, um, ball ! :)...
the lost froggie

hi all...hope this finds everyone well and dandy...the lost froggie is not unwell :)...a bit under the lily pad physically, but hey, we all have our little moss to carry, eh ? :)...most of the pages have been updated, includin' the main lily pad itself, the moss that it clings to, and if you look around the place, you might find a few new attractions :)...have a hoppy day :)...
the lost froggie

hi again ! :) hope all you froggies are doin' well out there :)...thin's are as well as can be expected here (which means that, other than a serious problem with sleep-deprivation, all is well)...btw, if you suffer from insomnia, try counting the little white balls hangin' from the asbestos spray on the ceilin'...doesn't help you sleep, but keeps your mind occupied ! :)...
why am i here ??? oh yes...what is new...sorry for the ramble :)...i've had a burst of creativity, and The Poetry Page of The Lost Froggie has been updated :)...several new thots and ramblin's :)...
the lost froggie

not a thing is :)...actually, the content is the same, but the layout on several pages has been changed...i'd discovered a lack of continuity between several pages, and whereas i'm not anal about much, continuity is an important factor in my it is, again, the new, the improved, Lily Pad! :)
the lost froggie

all of the pages have been updated (again!)...apparently the alignment was a problem for smaller monitors...miss froggie fixit, that's me :)...may a cool breeze be always at your back...and may the fruit flies be plentiful !...
the lost froggie

all of the pages have been updated, and the links page has been redesigned...a couple of links have been added, so surf to your heart's delight !!! may your toes curl with the possibilities! :)...
the lost froggie

(o joy, friday the 13th -- luckily, frogs are good luck omens...
except in louisiana, where they make a good stew :)...

the page is up ! that's what's new !!!
the lost froggie



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