Kung Fu

Shaolin White Crane Kung-Fu

Shaolin Kung Fu has a heritage that dates back to before 500ad, where it was developed as a means of defence and physical meditation for the monks of the Shaolin Temple.
I am currently pursuing my apprenticeship in Shaolin White Crane Kung Fu.
During this Apprenticeship, I am studying: Multilateral functional formulae, the systems of Shaolin Quan, White Crane Fist, skills of footwork and evasion, defensive skills, punching and striking, kicking, Chin Na (joint locking, throwing, take down, escapes, ground fighting, disarming, point striking), Internal and External power training, fitness and flexibility training, traditional rountines, self defence training against single and multiple aggressors - both in analogy and free practice, martial theory, history, philosophy, martial sthics, meditation and weaponry (tradional and improvised).

The school is really good, through training, I have become more confident, become fit, and learnt much about the Ch'an Buddhist practice. Kung Fu has become a very important part of my life, and I hope to keep it that way.
I have recently been promoted to assistant teacher. I am teaching the class one night a week. This is very important to my own training, as well as assisting the class, I am also learning.

Some of my favorite Kung Fu films are: