
I've been watching my wife, Sandy, make page after page of recipes and canning stuff on her home page, but I noticed that none of my "GREAT" creations were on any of them! So I decided to make my own.These are my emergency, midnight snack attack satisfiers.

Peanut Butter Specials

I dont measure amounts, I just put ever how much I want!
Here's what ya need.
Peanut Butter (creamy or crunchy)
1 banana

Toast your bread, butter it,pour honey on one slice & slice banana over honey, spread peanut butter on the other, slap them together.Eat! This is a great energy snack!

That's one way I like it. Here's another.

Peanut Butter
Grape Jam
Dill Pickle
2 slices bread

Spread peanut butter on one slice of bread, grape jam on the other, 3 slices of dill pickle on the peanut butter. Put it together and eat.

Dave's Ass Kicking Party Punch

This one really lives up to it's name!! Here's how I make it.

1 Quart of strawberries,cleaned and caps removed
1 bunch banana's,peeled & sliced
6 large Granny Smith Apples,chopped
5 kiwi's, peeled and sliced
1 big bunch seedless grapes
1 cantalope,seeded and pulp chopped
1 watermelon, remove rind, pulp chopped
1 quart cherries, stems removed
6 large oranges, peeled and sectioned
2 large lemons,sliced
1 pint of Vodka
1 pint of Dark Rum
1 pint of light Rum
1 pint Everclear
1 pint Gin
1 pint Sour Apple
1 pint Sour Cherry
2 large cans frozen orange juice
2 large cans frozen lemonaide
1 large can frozen lime juice

Wash all the fruit, peel what needs to be peeled, chop fruits into large chunks. Put all fruit in a very large pot. Put all frozen juices in, stirring till well mixed. Pour all the liquor over the fruit mixture. Stir. Refrigerate, covered, overnight or even for a couple of nights. Serve very cold. Provide transportation or sleeping accommodations for those who partake to much! This stuff makes ya think you're ten feet tall and bullet proof! One more word of warning---BEWARE of the apples!! They soak up the booze big time!!


"Don't drink this and try to walk, let alone drive!"

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

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Page Design and Content by David & Sandy Miller