Cowboys Hate Page

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Q: What's another name for a Texas Crime Ring?
A: A Dallas Cowboys Huddle.

"Out there at Kennedy Airport, they confiscated $12 million worth of cocaine.
The cops became suspicious when they saw a big box addressed to Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin."
-David Letterman-

Q: Why is Jerry Jones mad at Leon Lett?
A. Because he chose coke over Pepsi.

Three Texans, Slim, Billy-Bob, and Bubba died and went to heaven.
At the pearly gates, they were met by St. Peter, who explained that although it was late and God had retired for the evening, he had asked Albert Einstein to show them around so they wouldn't get bored before they met God in the morning.
After Einstein had introduced himself to Slim, he asked:
"By the way, Slim, what was your IQ when you were alive?"
"159", said Slim.
"Great!", said Einstein. We'll discuss my general theory of relativity and maybe a little unified field theory as I show you around."
"What an exciting opportunity!", said Slim.
Einstein then introduced himself to Billy-Bob, and when he was done he said:
"Tell me, Billy-Bob - what was your IQ when you were alive?"
"141", said Billy-Bob.
"Good," said Einstein.
"If you'd like, we can discuss a little mathematics and philosophy as I point out the heavenly sights."
"Nothing I'd like better!" was Billy-Bob's reply.
After Einstein had introduced himself to Bubba, he asked:
"What was your IQ when you were alive, Bubba?"
"58" said Bubba.
Punching him on the arm, Einstein said:
"Hey, Bubba - How 'bout them Cowboys!"

Q. How do you get 52 Cowboy players to stand all at once?
A. "Will the defendant please rise?"

Jerry Jones calls Michael Irvin in for a meeting:
"Michael" he says, That was a close one & you'll have to be careful from now on."
"What do you recommend boss?"
"From now on it's Pepsi & Nike, not COKE & NOOKIE"

Two boys were playing football in a park when one is attacked by a Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy rips off a plank of the nearby fence, wedges it down the dog's collar & twists, breaking the dog's neck.
A reporter who was strolling by sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy.
"Washington Redskin fan saves friend from vicious animal," he starts writing in his notebook.
"But I'm not a Redskins fan," the boy replied.
"Baltimore Ravens fan rescues friend from horrific attack," the reporter starts again.
"I'm not a Ravens fan either," the boy said.
"Then what are you?" the reporter asked.
"I'm a Cowboys fan."
The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, "Redneck B****** Kills Family Pet."

Michael Irvin recently demanded a trade from the Cowboys to the Eagles, because he wanted the crack in the Liberty Bell.

Do you know how to do the Dallas Cowboys version of the Macarena?
Stand a foot away from a wall.
Place one hand on the wall, and then the other.
Spread one leg, then the other.
Place one hand behind your head, and then the other.
Place one hand behind your back, and then the other.
Have the policeman handcuff one hand, then the other.

Q: Why is Michael Irvin like a social disease?
A: He's embarrassing, he goes away for a few weeks, but then comes back, and he responds well to drugs.

Q: If Michael Irvin, Leon Lett, and Erik Williams are riding in a car, who's driving-?
A: The Cop.

Bumper sticker seen on a police car in the Dallas, Texas area:
GO COWBOYS-! ...and take the Mavericks with you-!

The Cowboys employ scouts. But not to watch other teams. To look out for cops.
-The Miami Herald-

The joke in Big D these days is that the 'Boys go out on the town wearing 3 championship rings and a home-confinement bracelet.

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