Here Are A Few Pix Of Me and My Friends

The Koolest People On The Web

My Bubby and Min Min
Bianca (miss you girl)
Kekai.. (where you hiding G/F?)
Hammer and Leigh Ann..
John The Bartender
Reva.. Who Uses ALL my Clear Coat..*wink*
Rick AKA Icarus AKA IceBound
BA & PoohBear #1
Julia..(Gonna Meet you one of these dayz g/f.. *smilz*
AStroDragon *someone who will always be dear to my heart*
My Lil Sis Mia.. me and Bubby Blame her for everything..*giggles*
Scott (toldja I would didnt I? *wink*)
Scott #2 (He's Evil I tell ya)
Robert, (who seems to have Vanished)
Robert #2
Voyager (she's Back She's Back!!) *smilz*
Edward Darke The Biggest prick On the Net (sorry I couldnt resist)
Dragon.. One of My Sweet lil sisters Love ya Girly..
JariAdi.. How I miss you My Friend..*pouts*
Juha, aka Human aka Streptosaur Miss Ya hon..
Another Pic Of Bubby n Mindy..
Sniper..My Paintball Buddy..
My Baby Sis Felecia/MCB *loves her tickletackle hugz*
Suzie My 2nd MOM whom I love dearly.*smilin*
My Old Black n White Pic..
A Pic Of Me Last Summer
Me And One Of My Best Friends
My Lil Brother BlackBlade..*love ya honey*

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