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On this page you will find only four pictures. I wanted to make them a little bigger because they are special to many of us in Spirit's Playroom! I hope they make you smile like they did us the weekend we made them in Kansas City! This brings a close to our memory pages for September, 1998, but we will make more in August of 1999! Hope to see you then! I want to thank you for looking through these pages and please visit Spirits World again soon!...Pat/Spirit
This is Justgerry and Mazz3 at the world famous Kansas City Landmark, 12th street and Vine! Ya finally made it Mazz!
Ohhhhhhh Good Gosh! You have to use your imagination on this one! Or you COULD ask someone in the Playroom, they MIGHT tell you! Any guesses???????
Now, I ask you? Isnt she the sweetest 'lil ole thang you have ever seen? And guess what else? Scroll down!
Well, bless "her" little heart! It looks like she found herself a man! Dont they make a lovely couple???
Thank you for visiting the world of Spirit's Playroom! These pages were created and posted with many hours of work and a lot of love for the people here. It is my way of saying thank you all for being a friend! I hope it has been a pleasant experience and brought you a few smiles. I will soon begin posting pages of the people that visit the room on a regular basis! If you liked viewing them, please sign the guest book located on the note page! Thank you!
I have found new and wonderful friends