Hi, as many of you know, some of the people from Spirit's Playroom had a chat meet the weekend of September 12th. It was a great time and so many unforgetable memories were made. The following pictures are some that were taken during that time! I hope you have just half much fun looking at them as we did that wonderful weekend in Kansas City!

First to arrive was "Justgerry"
from his "rock" in the Pacific Ocean!
Next was Mazz3, our entertainment for the weekend!
Wispa, who flew in from Pa, and Pappy at the airport!
Tilou, who drove to KansasCity from Florida!
Gerry and Robbie(mazz)
Darbi and Renagade, who flew in from Ga!
Run Gerr, run real fast!!
mmmmmmmm Sweet Sugar!
Spirit and Robbie!
Nursefromhell and Unigoat!
Next KC Page!
Spirit's World!
John and Marilyn's Homepage!
Notes and other nutty things!