Boyzone FAQ

If there's any questions you want answered about Boyzone, I'll do my best to help. The questions here already are the ones which come up most often on my travels around the internet. E-mail your questions to me at

What are the lyrics to (insert Boyzone song here)?

If the song in question is a Boyzone single or is from the Where We Belong album, the lyrics can be found in my lyrics section. If you have another song in mind then your best bet is to go to the lyrics section of Corinne's Boyzone Page here. The lovely Corinne has the lyrics to every single song Boyzone have ever done there.

Where can I see a picture of (insert anything Boyzone related here)?

Try here:

Where can I buy (insert Boyzone single here)?

Basically, the more recent the single in question is, the more chance you have of getting hold of it. If the single in question is Working My Way Back To You, forget it now is my advice. Pigs will fly, the sky will turn pink with orange polka dots and someone else will find one of my dad's jokes funny before you get a copy. Basically, as it was only released in Ireland there wasn't very many copies around to start with, nobody ever seems to sell one and there are thousands of other people looking for one. For the other singles before Words, it's difficult but not completely impossible to get a copy, as I managed to find a copy of Father and Son in HMV more than two years after its release and have also managed to buy copies of So Good and Coming Home Now from people who were selling them. For singles from Words onwards, if you are determined enough you'll probably get a copy. There is more copies around for sale, you have more chance of finding a copy in a large record shop such as HMV and various shops online sell them. Online auctions websites such as Ebay and Yahoo! are also good places to look for Boyzone singles and lots of other Boyzone things. I had been looking for the CD singles Love Me For A Reason and Key To My Life for over two years and managed to buy them the first time I looked on Ebay.

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