I'm not gonna get into alot about my§elf I just
want to mention a few per§onal thing§ about
me and my Family. I'm a 35 year old
Dome§tic Godde§§ which mean§ I am a
I have lived in Indiana all my life.
I have been Married for almo§t 10 year§ to a
very caring man named David
We have 4 very (I want to §ay
wonderful but I ju§t don't think
that i§ the word I'm looking for)
You §ee three of them are teenager§ and
one will be next year. Bradley is the olde§t,
then there i§ Rachel And then come§ Vane§§a,
and la§t of all there i§ David.
I hope to put §everal link§ on thi§ page,
in hope§ that you find §omething that
intere§t you Thank§ for taking the time
to vi§it my page and hope you
take a extra moment to
§ign my Gue§t Book...

Click on the family name§ above and it will take you
to their HomePage§...