A poem I wrote for my friends

As we click the keys our friendship builds
We share secrets that no one else knows
Reveliving ourselves to one another
We haved told each other our hopes and dreams
Our Laughter and sadness
We have spoke of
Our realtime pleasures in life
Our realtime disappointments
and yes even our desires for more in life
I never dreamed that such special friends
could be found on the net
Thank you for taking the time to become such a
special friend to me...*hugz*

Mo§t of my Friend§ have HomePage§ just click on their name§ and it will take you to their place in Cyber §pace

GHosT you are the Man of my life....*kisses* thank you for putting up with the madness....Love Ya Baby

What do i say about this Lady Phantom except she is my bestest buddy...and don't know what I would do if I didn't get those RT *hugz* thanks they help...

*looking around for my bar of soap* Fruity you better hide girl...ohhhhh yeah I guess you are hiding since I ain't seen you in forever...
*bottom lip quivering*

pLaiN oL' mIkE where have you and Fruity ran off to...*calling the neatest Hotel*

City Slicker you really got this small town girl hooked on the city....*hugz* i think this friendship will last a very long time luv ya and thanks for everything....

Taz you lil devil you...*giggling* glad I can call you my ummm ummmm yeah that's it....my friend....*hugz*

§hock you are learning my evil ways to damn fast...you are sooooo bad *giggling* thanks for the laughs...*hugz* you are so close to my heart....love ya bunches

*wondering if 280 has figured out there is no second Tuesday of any week* gosh how I love to tease you....*wink*

Lady Pach aka: Star Gazer is a friend from way back...*looking around the house for her* if you see this Pach get ahold of me my email is on my pages delete that post she found me Thank God for ICQ....

Girl Friend you are just a Whi§per heard in the night.....*hugz*

Not sure what ever happened to this lil øb§é§§iøn

Is that Bearie I see over there is the shadows flirting with that guy....*shocked* oh no not her...she isn't like that...*wink* yeah right....*laughing*

*running off into cyber to chat with Jag* you know he can always make me smile...see me smiling-----> :)okay that isn't really me...but he does make me smile

*running over and slapping Sable upside the head* hey girl you are great....*hugest hugz*

*jumping into the Gold Lexus and taking it for a spin around the block* hey smooth ride ya got there.....*laughing* glad we met...*hugz to my buddie*

Gosh I have just stared chatting with Knockster not long ago...but it seems I have know you forever....*hugz* be safe ya hear....

*small sigh* what can I say about this guy Gadget Boy....he is soo sweet and means alot to me...thanks for being so patient with me....*hugz*

*covering my eyes as Stuntman does his daredevil stunts* gotta love those Swedish words you been trying to teach me....*många kramar* and thanks for the many chats...

*running to see Wacko at the Loonie Bin locked away in some padded cell....

Cruze...Cruze...Cruze....you are one sweet person....*hugz* and kinda cute too....*wink*

*whistling at -Night-Owl-* woohoo cute everything....*wicked laugh* sure do wish we could chat more.....*sigh*

*the smell of coffee fills the air as Ja§ walks into the room...

hey Mister Natural where the heck are you hiding...get the DarkSilk Award and you are off and running...*pouty face*

I think maybe Tease mmm has calmed her teasing when she found that special guy *hugz* glad he makes you happy...

woohoo what I wouldn't do to see this guy in his §kivie§ *peeking through my fingers..checking out his form*

This girl will make you laugh...§illi §ulli that is if you can ever catch her at the house...

*tears* Raider come home....

*thinking back to the time i tried to teach SCN how to copy and paste...ummmm yeah we both kinda got stuck together for awhile...but hey I didn't mind....*devilish grin*

hey Hillbilly where ya at...Mansted...miss teasing you....*pouty face*

You will always be my Guardian no matter where you are....*hugz*

*waving to Vane§§a out my window* hey we gotta go have that coffee one of these days...if I can stop chatting long enough to drive a mile away

*putting away my silk straps since §andman has went away...*tears filling my eyes*

§hadow Wolf will you stop licking me you animal... no wait...I like I like the licks....*giggling*

hey Kat#12 did you find a mouse to keep you busy....

Miji set me up on that vacation to Hawaii...*hugz*

§hadowRun...you will always be a wonderful shadow lurking in the back of my mind.....*hugz*

Diamonds and Lace you are one special Lady....*hugz* now where the hell are you....?

*looking out into the woods and spotting Running Wolf chasing a fox* *giggling* she is a 2 legged fox....

Iron you and I have always found a minute to say hello....hope it continues...*hugz to my lil ICQ buddy*

*flashing Trav'ler a smile* seems we never have enough time to chat...but hey what time we do get to chat I always end up feeling better...*hugz*

Hey you aren't really a Psycho Dreamer...I know cuz we share a few of the same dreams...*hugz* miss ya babe...

*sing softly a song from Janis Joplin.....Feeling good was good enough for me and my Bobby McGee *hugz*

Jenn (SMW) please tell everyone what SMW stands for...inquiring minds want to know....*laughing*

hey Pixie next time you see Lady P slap the piss out of her for me...*wicked laugh* my door is always open for ya here in Indiana...*hugz*

This guy is a Night Stalker beware....*laughing softly*

people wonder why she is WET N WILD just chat with her for a few and the reason will come to you...*laughing*

*looking out my window waiting on Renee to show up on my door step*

Pretty you gotta stop teasing the boyz at the house....*wink*

everyon likes eNvY...but it seems we never find her *sniffle sniffle*

*whispering to Locomotive Breath hey babe you ready to jump on that scooter and go see the beaches...and ummmmm ummmmm *smiling*

*running to the map of Ohio to see if I can see Broom waving at me...*hugz*

is this guy Warped or what...*giggling* no he is a sweetie *hugz*

girl you are sooooooooo bad...SweetSugar damn we gotta talk more often i am missing some gossip around the house....

hey when you gonna change that name Male/31...we all know everyone gets older...*wink*

*stopping dead in my tracks* hey was that a Tremor...? nope just that §exy guy walking into the room...

ohhhhh my lil Photographer daVinci I want to see more of you...oops i mean more of those photos you take...*hugz*

this girl ain't no Easter Bunny...a Playboy Bunny maybe...*laughing*

awwwwwwww isn't she a PrettyBaby...*pinching her cheeks like grandma does*

*running over to Virago and tickling him...till he begs me to stop...

hey Bass when we going on that fishing trip....*hugz*

Sweet 'n Spicy you gotta stop flashing yourself for that puter of yours...one day you is gonna make it short circut...*laughing*

*looking around the INN to see what Michelangelo did with those finger paints when he was done with them* guess i will have to hunt him done a do a body search for them....*wicked laugh*

*lifting a black silk teddie and showing LMan* wouldn't your lady look good in this.....

Two Feathers you are very special to me....*hugz* I sure do miss our chats.....Take Care of yourself and know I am thinking about you....

AngelHeart you are a sweetie...*hugest hugz* hope Santa does that small favor for us....*wink* you might have to sweet talk him a lil *laughing softly*

and last but not least my favorite big ole teddie bear who has a heart of gold most of the time....except when I leave him off my list of friends....Aton you know I luv ya....*hugz*

I am always adding to this list of Friends....*smiling* thank you all for taking the time to get to know me...and hey if I have left anyone unmentioned please slap me upside the head and say hey bitc....no wait you better just say hey §ILK you forgot me....*laughing* thanks again everyone....