Full name: P.K Gossett
Nicknames: does Bitch count as a nickname....§ILK
BirthDay: 5/8/60 something
Job Title: Domestic Goddess
Born in: Indiana *chanting* "GO PACERS"
Parents : Harry and Sandra
Siblings: to many to name 3 brothers, 2 sisters
Marital Status:Married (to a wonderful man if I might add)
Children: 4.....yes count them 1...2...3...4...
Best/Close friends: (On~line) Lady Phantom, §hock, and many more people I consider Friends
(off~line) Lady Phantom AKA: Sherrie..... the hon AKA: David
Pets and Names: Dogs Pebbles and Bam-Bam
Birds: none
Hobbies: Chatting of course, long walks in the park, chatting, building web sites, chatting, listening to music, reading, did I mention chatting....?
Best advice: Be the best you can be.....
Words or Phrases you use too much: I'm sooo damn good when I'm bad...
A non-sport in which you excel: is cybering a non-sport....?
Dream Car(s): Red Dodge Viper....
Coolest experience: meeting people from the net....
Scarest thing you've ever experienced: the death of my mother
Favorite thing to do in the summer: walks in the park,camping, swimming, just being outdoors
What I look for in a person of the opposite sex: outgoing, friendly, willing to listen as well as talk,(and their butt of course)
What I want to be/do when I grow up: who says I am gonna grow up....but if I do I wanna become a Web Site Designer, and Writer
Favorite Music: Jazz, Classic Rock, pop, R&B, alternative,
Favorite Color: Purple, teal
Favorite food: Sea Food Crab leggs,and shrimp Italian,
Favorite junk food: Pizza...and Oreos (with a tall glass of milk of course)
Least Favorite food: eggs and cottage cheese *shuddering at the thought*
Favorite vacation: One I haven't done ...Vegas
Favorite topic/subject: Puters of course
Least favorite topic/subjest: politics
Favorite sports: Nascar Racing
Favorite Comic:
Favorite animal: Men *giggling* no really snakes (Pythons)
Favorite T.V. Show: ER *drooling over George Clooney*, 60 minutes, Primetime....
Favorite Day: Saturday, but Mondays are the best .....
Favorite Months: Summer months
Favorite Holidays: Christmas, Mothers Day (when my Mother was alive)
Favorite thing to wear: nothing....okay okay when i can't run around nekkid ... scrubbs (the ones Doctors wear)

Now you know a lil about §ILK.....
maybe even more than you wanted to know.....