Links To Other Place to find Elmo:

Elmo loves to be on the Web, but he knows
that some sites are better then others.
He puts more stars by the sites he likes better

Elmo's Page (3 stars)
Elmo likes this page. It's simple and cute.

The Official Children's Television Workshop Page (5 stars)
Elmo loves this page, there's Elmo Java games and an
interactive Elmo storybook.

Dorrie's Elmo Page (3 stars)
Elmo thinks Dorrie tried hard to make a page just for him!

Jennifer's Elmo WWW site and Archive (5 stars)
This is a great site to find out all kinds of things about
Elmo. Like Elmo in the news and Multimedia stuff!

Elmo the Red Monster (4 stars)
Elmo likes to watch the movies of himself here!

Marcia's Elmo Page (4 stars)
This page is not graphically intense to load up,
but it has sounds pictures and movies.

MikeK's Elmo Page (3 stars)
Elmo really likes this page but it takes a loooong time to load.

Reggi & Elmo's Homepage (3 stars)
Elmo is happy that he found Reggie's site with lots of cool pics.

Joycie's Elmo Page (2 stars)
Elmo thinks there's some good pictures here

A little portion of Sesame Street (3 stars)
Elmo likes hearing himself on this page

Elmo will add more links as he finds them
or you can mail him a good one
(Just click on the letter)

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