It's A hehe World After All

Contact Me

From here you will find a list of different places you can contact me. You have a couple of guestbooks to choose from. When I only had one guestbook it seemed to go down a lot so I decided I'd get myself two. That way there should not be a problem with letting me know what you think about my page. I can also be found on a program called ICQ. You can page me if you'd like and if I'm online I'll receive your message. If I'm not it will be stored until the next time I'm connected. Either way, I hope you leave me some kind of comment on how you like this page. You can always e-mail me at if you want. *smiles*

Guestbook by Lpage

Adoption Room Aussie Talent
Chat RoomContact Me Page
Library ME ME ME
Music Room San Francisco
The Attic E-mail
