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Welcome to my Family, Friends & Special People pages. I truly recognize the value that our Families & Friends have in our lives... for it is the influence of these Very Important People and
our relationships with them that make us who we is to
you dear Family & Friends that this site is dedicated.

I had many friends on WOW who I consider Family,
Friends, and Special People who have enriched my life.
We have laughed together, cried together, rejoiced together, and suffered together, and we have shared our many of our hopes & dreams. To these Special People I have created a special page for the Family & Friends on WOW.

Some of them have built their own Web pages and I encourage you to visit theWOWie Pages and see their Web Pages.

What is WOW and what are WOWies? Well, in April of 1996,
Compuserve introduced a new online service, WOW. It's flat rate
and unlimited hours attracted alot of people who to visit.
We "moofed", froze, and put up with email that was
slower than regular mail...we passed out "blankets", hot drinks,
and put up with "chat bombs", "scrollers", "cloners". and
"hackers". Through these difficulties, a group of us formed a
bond of friendship, that still exists to this day. We are the

I am very saddened by WOW closing. Many of our friends
have moved on over to AOL...and other places. Since many of
the "WOWies", as we call ourselves have names differnt than
the ones on AOL...We have been quite busy gathering names of
WOWies and trying to find out their new AOL names. If I
missed you or you know someone I missed...please email me
so I can add the names to our list.


Special People

The special people in this world are the most precious
and the most appreciated people of all.
No matter what happens, they always understand.
They go a million miles out of their way.
They hold your hand.

They bring you smiles, when a smile is exactly
what you need.
They listen, and they hear what is said in the
spaces between the words.
They care, and they let you know you're in their prayers.

Special people always know the perfect thing to do.
They can make your whole day just by saying something
that no one else could have said.
Sometimes you feel like they share with you a secret
language that others can't tune into.

Special people can guide you, inspire you, comfort you,
and light up your life with laughter.
Special people understand your moods and nurture your
needs, and they lovingly know just what you're after.
When your feelings come from deep inside and the
need to be spoken to someone; you don't have to
hide from, you share them... with special people.

When good news comes, special people are the first
ones you turn to, and when feelings overflow and
tears need to fall, special people help you through it all.
Special people bring sunlight into your life.
They warm your world with their presence,
whether they are far away or close by your side.

Special people are gifts that bring happiness,
and treasures that money can't buy.

For more poems about friendship...visit the The Wishing Well

If you have any comments or suggestions,


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