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A Collection of "Flowers"
I have "Planted" to
Share with my Friends
So take a stroll along the Paths
and Enjoy

Wild Irish Rose

Those that know me best know that I think of my life as a 
Garden. In my "Garden" I plant the seeds of wishes and 
hopes and dreams. Like in a garden, some seeds will take 
root and bloom, and others will whither and die. 'Tis the
way of a garden and of life. So on these sites, are some
of the bits and pieces I find dear to me. 

"Welcome to My Garden"

Hello Everybuddy,

A Thank you for stopping by my garden. Welcome This is part of my first original site. When I got this "plot of land" I sat and looked at it and wondered..."What the heck do I do with it?" I had ideas, but didn't know the first thing how to implement them.

I was pointed in several directions by a special person, handed a "shovel" and told to "dig". "Learning for yourself is good for you", he said. So I dug and dug, and came up with several excellent sites that really helped me get started.....

[ Web Page Resources and other good Stuff]

Grab your Galoshes ....many sites are under construction ....and just click on the Garden Gate to begin your journey down one of the many Paths and enjoy the many "Plants" in my Garden.

This is a growing garden....changes are continually being made and new "flowers are constantly being "planted". This is a site that will always be under construction as I learn new things about how to "grow" Web Pages.

I also have alot of ideas I wish to experiment and develop .... so be sure to bookmark my pages and see what new "plants" I can come up with..*giggle*

Ready .... Set ......GO!!!!

Whoooo Hoooo Hooo Hooo Hoooo !!!!!

Sittin on the ol' Porch Swing discussin' Stuff
A selection of inspiring and even funny poetry and writings that I have collected reflecting some of Life's Little Truths.

The Wishing Well is a site dedicated to friends.
A collection of poetry and writings about the 
special relationship called friendship. 

Sharing a Hammock under the stars... about contemplations and reflections about Life and Livng, I have collected.

Cuddlin' & Snuggling in front of a cozy Fireplace....A collection of Love Poems....