Sandy's By The Sea
Sandpiper Marina
Christmas In New England
Haunted Mansion
Velvet Petals
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I guess you know by now that I love the's my favorite place to be in the summer. On a warm and sunny morning there is nothing more beautiful than to see the sun glisten on the ocean....with no one around but the seagulls and the sandpipers as the surf kisses the sand....


Write upon a sea shell
a poem from the heart
Tell a tale of romance,
of beauty, and of art.
Cast the shell in water,
a river, sea or stream.
And let the waters take it...
To return it in a dream.


The ocean is magnificent....the sea is like a lady....she can be fierce and unforgiving if you don't respect her. She can also bring peace and comfort....bring you to places you want to your heart and in your soul. It is a place where you can reflect on the happiness and sadness of your life. She listens and somehow gives you a better perspective on where you are going and how to get there. Sometimes our lives are a lot like the broken shells we find along the shore...they may be weathered from the sea...have a little piece missing from the rough surf but they are all still beautiful in their own way....someone will find it and call it a treasure.


The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand....
The sun goes down but gentle warmth still lingers on the land....
The music stops and yet, echos on a sweet refrain....
For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains....

~Author Unknown~


SANDY'S NAUTICAL GALLERY: My site consists of 32 pages of Nautical~Beach related images, backgrounds, buttons, lines and bars, nautical banners and midis. On the gif pages, I have included beach scenes to give you a few ideas for your own homepage. I was very proud to receive Draac's Pick of the Week Award for this website!

SANDPIPER MARINA~NAUTICAL BANNERS: New page of nautical banners...Hope you find one you like!

Christmas In New England: Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! Stop by and enjoy the roaring fire...

SANDY'S HAUNTED MANSION: This is my halloween page. I had more laughs doing this site in October 1998. I hope you will like it. Most pages are graphic intense...please wait for them to load. Hit CMD+R if backgrounds do not appear... This page won The Great Halloween Site Award from Haunted Halloween!

All sites made with WebTV


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