You may recognise me from the commercials for the "Down Every Street Appeal". Now I have an appeal of my own. The reason I am asking for your help is simple. I want to walk. I want it more than anything. I have met someone who lives in South Carolina and has my condition. Her name is Jessica. Her family refused to accept the "will never walk" diagnosis, and performed physiotherapy and exercise on Jessica multiple times per day from the age of 6 months. At 3, Jessica walked with ankle splints. Now, at 14, she can ride a horse, run and play ball, ride a bike and even mows the lawns and climbs ladders. She is my inspiration. Since meeting Jessica on the internet and hearing of her success, I have done something I never thought possible. It may not seem much to you, but I got out from my wheelchair onto my bed. I then got back into my wheelchair. I did this without help. I have also opened my door by myself, and turned the light on!!! Karen and Dad are so proud of me and they are encouraging me now to do more...go further. The ultimate goal here is to walk, ride and play with my 3 brothers, and my sister. This would be a dream come true. UPDATE Since this page was created, Karen and Dad have contacted doctors and physiotherapists in the hope of finding some way for me to walk unaided. It seems as though each individual affected with AMC, is affected differently. Just because one of us walks, does not automatically mean another will. Having said that, I was not given the rigourous physiotherapy that US patients seem to receive. I feel that if I had, I too may be walking now. There is no-one here in South Australia that really feels I will ever walk unaided. I am just grateful for my strong mind and my life. There are many other children and people out there that are a lot worse off than I am. Thank you.
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