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I decided to throw in a few rituals that anybody can make use of, not anything fancy just the basics. I didn't add any of my private rituals I use on a regular basis, but I'm sure these will be helpful. I have plenty of room so feel free to email me any of your favorites, I'll add them as soon as time permits.:)


Witchcraft is more then simply casting a love spell or bestowing curses on people. It is more then wearing black, rebelling against our patriarchal society or making people fear you, nor is it a vulgar quest for temporal power. The Craft is an all encompassing belief in the unseen world and our ability to interact with it, it is an informed choice, a way of life and most importantly a RESPONSIBILITY. I particularly like Barrie Dolnick's definition of a spell and it's Law, "It is an organized wish that carries with it the energy to manifest in reality" " Whatever you want to manifest must exist within the realm of possibility and exist within the laws
The Craft overall has but one law, one action and one creed.

I follow the Dianic Words of Power for my basic principles although I think they apply to every Path.
1. There is one Power 
2. The Power includes all
3. We are all perfect microcosms of the Power, linked to all beings
4. Every being has Free Will and all work is for the good of all
5. As microcosms of the one Power that includes all, we draw upon whichever aspect of the Power we wish to use for whatever goals we state.
6. We affirm that the work goes out into The Law of Cause and Effect and it is done.

Affinities are the conscious chosen connections between ideas and their manifestation in our world. These are the pathways of Magick.
Form Contingencies are limited beliefs which manifest in limited ways. They are mostly hidden within the subconscious and are what hinders Magick. Simply put these are the laws that reality has imposed upon us. They may be cultural, karmic or simple linear time conditioning limitations.
Cultural contingencies could be that your particular religion or country believes that Witches or Magick is against some holy creed and is evil. Karmic could be that maybe your actions in a previous life hinder your preforming of the Craft. Linear time of course is one of the biggest limitations.
The energy that we draw upon is eternal and if we believe we have only one life then we also believe that energy dies. I think of my lifetimes as one long unbroken line, crossed only by my moments of death and birth. So lets all remember that being a Witch is a positive way of living and that we have the power to manifest our dreams. Goddess Bless.


When doing your rituals, casting spells or just celebrating an Esbat, every Witch should have a basic set of tools to work with. Each tool has a spiritual and practical purpose. They serve to help the Witch focus, contact her energy, provide atmosphere and protection and most importantly, create an ideal setting for the energy to manifest. These are my basic tools.
CANDLES: I use a set of five candles one for each element and one for the spirit. They define my circle, represent Fire and provide protection.
ATHAME: I have my Athame or ritual knife I use to draw the circle and call the Watchtowers.
INCENSE: I have incense on hand to create atmosphere and intune me to the energies I want to manifest, I also use it to represent Air.
I have a pendulum on hand for quick answers and to track the flow of energy.
My crystals are set out to provide energy to the working and to help me focus on my work.
JEWELRY: I wear my jewelry as simple inspiration and to represent my Goddess and the forces I am calling upon.
MORTAR/PESTLE: My mortar and pestle is on hand to grind herbs and mix ingredients.
FEATHERS: I have a grouse feather I use for smudging and to represent Air when I have no incense on hand.
GLASS: I have a ritual goblet on hand I use to represent water and hold my libations.
SALT: Salt is an important part of my rituals, I not only use it to consecrate and draw my circle but it represents Earth.

MIRROR: I usually keep a mirror on hand to reflect negative energies and to scry with should I need to.  
IDOLS: I have a number of idols on my altar, most represent the different faces of Isis and the others represent concepts, elements and ideals I am calling on.
BOOK OF SHADOWS: This is one of the most important parts of my collection, I record all my spells, affirmations, ideas, chants, results, recipes, resources and wishes in it. It helps me to keep track of everything because believe me, when you have been practicing as long as I have, there's a lot to keep track of.
BELLS: I keep a number of bells on hand, the spirits like the music they make, I use them to open and close my circles and clear negativity from the air.
These basic tools should cover just about every need, when you have practiced awhile you will undoubtedly collect more. You also don't have to have special equipment for this. A kitchen knife properly consecrated works just as well as a store bought Athame. Candles you can get in different colors at the grocery store. You can also use a drinking glass from your kitchen. Just make sure however, that if you use everyday things from your house or kitchen, you use the same one every time and you don't put them back with the rest of your silverware or glasses. Once you have consecrated something it remains with your altar tools.


This is a simple Dianic outline for Words of Power you can use to manifest your work;
There is one Power, which is (your manifestations of the Goddess or God)
and I, (Witches name) am Goddess (God) incarnate
I am (the incarnation you've chosen for your Goddess or God for this spell)
As your Witch (and your Priestess/Priest)
(call upon the names of your Gods/Goddesses)
I call on you to please help me with this (fill in)
to give me (fill in)
to bless me (or name another) in this (state your working)
thank you my Deities and so mote it be.

A simple ritual to consecrate your tools;
By (name your Goddesses)
By (name your Gods)
I (your name) Goddess (or God) incarnate (state your incarnations)
Hereby consecrate this my (name your tool) to the Goddess and the God and to all the positive work of Witchcraft
for the good of all and according to free will so mote it be

Opening the circle;
By (name your Godesses)
By (name your Gods)
I hereby consecrate this circle and everyone in it (myself, if you are alone)
for the work of this (name your working)
which represents (meaning of the working)
for the good of all and according to free will
the Power that moves the moon moves all of us, the power that lights the sun lights all our lives
even if we do not state all the work we wish to do this (working)
all the work is done

Closing the circle;
By (Gods/Goddesses)
I hereby close this circle and give thanks for the work that is done
so mote it be  

These are pretty much Dianic rituals, taken from an Earth Magick book but they are my preferred method. For my Goddess I use Isis (Mother), Nephthys (Maiden) and Maat (Crone). For the God I use Ra (Creator) and Osiris (Consort of the Goddess). Feel free to use any manifestation of the Gods/Goddesses you feel comfortable with, they are all one and the same.



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