Study with Grossman

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You will learn how to edit print and on-line materials successfully.

There are any number of writing and editing courses available. However, it is natural for people to want to have a private course in editing.

Editing studies require constant and continued input from the instructor. A general course in editing will give you general knowledge about it, but it can't turn you into an editor. A private editing course does cost more but it is the only possible way that you can learn how to edit.

In this editing course you will learn how to look beyond crossing the t's and dotting the i's. You will learn to make sure that the text makes sense, that it is reasonable, that any given text fits in with the style and the content of the rest of the text. You will learn how to see that little parts of the text are arranged logically and whether they match the big picture. And of course, you will learn the basics of English structure.

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