Study with Grossman
Private students


The following assignment is taken from the Network Consultants Handbook. Your responses should come from that text. However, you may also select any other text (the more recent, the better) and submit the following photocopies together with your response:


When your project is ready,

After I have received all of these materials, we will schedule the next session.

Content of the next session

The assignment

  1. You want to set up a fast Internet connection
    • Explain the differences among the various types of available Internet connections
    • What are their advantages and disadvantages?
    • What problems may occur or be foreseen with each option?
    • What is the procedure for setting up each option?
  2. List and explain four different kinds of LAN topologies
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each topology?
    • What is the speed of each topology?
    • Explain that speed in terms that a client can understand
    • Explain your considerations to the client, in terms of pros and cons
    • What is the procedure for setting up each topology?
  3. You are setting up a network for a client who knows very little about computers
    • Explain what you are about to do in simple terms
    • Describe the pros and cons of your method
    • Help the client evaluate the different options, and then help him select the one that is best for his needs
  4. What kinds of cables are used in different types of networks?
    • Describe each one
    • What is unique or different about each one?
    • When is each type of cable used?
    • What precautions are necessary when cabling networks?
    • Are certain cables better suited for certain topologies?
  5. When should I use a router, a switch, or a hub?
    • Are there other ways to connect computers?
    • Describe each of these devices
    • Show what is similar and what is different among all of them
    • What are their advantages or disadvantages?
    • Describe if and when the topology affects the use of a different device.
    • When and why is each one used?
  6. What different protocols are used in computers?
    • Explain each of the protocols
    • Why are there different protocols?
    • What are there differences among them?
    • When and why is each one used?
  7. Describe the different kinds of gateways and firewalls
    • Why does each one exist?
    • What is unique or different about each one?
    • When is each one used?
    • What precautions have to be taken when setting them up?
    • When would you recommend each one to a client?
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?
  8. Describe how banks and airlines set up networks over large distances
    • What cables, protocols, or other technology are used?
    • What considerations must be taken into account when setting up these large networks?
    • What advantages and disadvantages are there for each method?
  9. A bank president who knows nothing about computers wants to know how to set up a multi-national network. He wants to know everything that is necessary in order to make an informed decision.
    • How would you help him select the components and system that are best for his bank?
    • How would you explain what you are doing, so that he understands the advantages and disadvantages of the final decision?

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