Study with Grossman
Technology in General and Special Education

Each student will submit TWO copies of each weekly homework assignment.

The assignments will offer useful, reasonable, and practical classroom tools. They will demonstrate a particular aspect of technology for education and/or for special education. There will be no theoretical projects.

  1. Students will be asked to join four online forums:
  2. Technology and the Internet
    • Report on technology developments in seven resources. The links to those resources will be emailed to our class group
    • Locate 20 mistakes in and/or suggest new links for the Jewish Special Needs Links website
      • Submit this assignment to the teacher's email address
      • Did you find a mistake? Identify the page in which your mistake is located as follows:
        • Write the page address, taken from the lower right corner of the page
        • Write the first three words of the paragraph that includes the mistake
      • Did you locate some new links? Submit on CD or diskette as follows:
      • Submission format:
        • Line 1: The section in the Jewish Special Needs website in which the new link should be included
        • Line 2: Clickable URL including http://
        • Line 3: Name of institution or service
        • Line 4: A two-sentence annotation about the link
  3. Pesach project (the date of this project will coincide with your Pesach vacation). Choose one of three options:
    • Video camera with children (submit both copies on CD or DVD)
    • ERIC
    • Word hypertext portal
  4. Kiosk
  5. Book Project (divided among the students)
  6. Creating software for the disabled or any population
  7. Special project
  8. Evaluating software for use with children with different disabilities

The final class will includes an examination based on the lectures and the textbook.

This course outline may be modified for the needs of individual students.

Some documents will be submitted on paper (that means they will be typed on a computer, of course). Other documents will be submitted by e-mail, on diskette, or on a CD.

Where do you want to go now?

Find out more about the MA course in general and special education technology

Jewish Special Needs Forum website

Jewish Enabled Website

Jewish Teaching Forum

Jewish Special Needs Links Website

Get in touch with the instructor

Are you required to read this article for a course? Do NOT print out the article. It is copyrighted.
Your exercise for this article is as follows:
Can you recommend any changes in these assignments that would be more appropriate for this class?

Click here for subject and title lists of articles by David Grossman

Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
