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Course outline: Technology in General and Special Education
This course focuses on various issues:
- The design and use of computers and other technological devices
- The facilitation of communication, learning, and related functions in educational contexts
- The use of these elements for children in general and special education
- The use of technology in fostering literacy and remediating reading disabilities
- Special applications with computers in and about the classroom
- Recent developments in the field of assistive technology
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate ability to fulfull the following objectives:
- Summarize concepts and skills outlined in the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) technology standards for all teachers
- Perform in their assignments skills outlined in the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) technology standards for all teachers
- Create educational software using PowerPoint
- Use technology in the IEP process
- Describe the potential and limitations of technology and computers in education
- Give an account of the likely future of educational computing for both general education and special education students
- Use computers to increase teacher productivity
- Describe the use of telecommunications and its impact on education
- Describe how computers and technology can be used to improve instruction and foster inclusion parallel to standards regulations
- Describe a range of educational software and ability to use such software for lesson plans and curriculum units
- Use the World Wide Web as a repository of information and resources related to education and special education
Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, by M.D. Robilyer, Merril/Prentice-Hall, 2004.
All papers are to be typed, double-spaced in accordance with APA or MLA style.
Students should consult with the instructor about progress on the assignments and other issues. The best way to contact the instructor is by e-mail. The instructor will make an effort to respond to your query within several weekday hours.
Topical Outline
- Introduction to Educational Technology: ISTE Standards
- Instructional Software Evaluation/Software Demonstration
- Integrating Computer Appications into Teaching/Learning
- Use of Internet/Webquests
- Planning for Technology Implementation
- Learning Theory and Technology
- Introduction to PowerPoint
- Special Education/Assistive Technology
- IEPs
- Integrating Software Tools into Teaching and Learning
- Multimedia and Hypermedia
- Advanced PowerPoint
- Educational Technology in Specific Curriculum Areas: Math, Art, Social Studies, Science, Music, Language Arts, And Foreign Language Instruction