Study with Grossman
Technology in General and Special Education

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A good way to demonstrate the possibilities of technology is to have a discovery learning plan.

Ask your students to find a young child with a mental age of between 6 and 9 years. That means that if the child is normal then the child will indeed be within this age range, but if the child is bright then the child should be a bit younger, say 6 or 7, and if the child is retarded or mildly retarded then he should be at the upper end of this range, say between 8 and 9 years old.

Teach the child how to use a video camera. Teach the child what to do so that the video camera will not shake and show the child the results of holding the camera steady and show the child what happens when the camera does shake. Yes, there are some cameras that compensate for shaking, but ideally the child should be holding it steady.

When the child is able to learn how to use the camera, then the child should plan out a lesson. You explain to the child the lesson is going to be used in a class of children of his own age and the child will decide what to do. It could be a science lesson, a nature lesson, a geometry lesson, or anything else. The child plans out the different stages and the child decides where and how to film things. You are around as the adult and the resource person, but the child does the actual filming based on a plan that you and he have worked out in advance. You will probably have to brainstorm the issue in order for the child to be able to do it properly.

NOTE TO MYSELF: Add here the lesson plan that I had prepared.

The child will then add a sound track in the beginning introducing the project and another sound track at the end summarizing and concluding the project together. The child will have created the entire movie. You will then edit the movie. We cannot expect the child to do that. And the child will be in class at the time that you present it to the other children and use it as the basis for a lesson.

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Keyword: Methods, Photography, Technology