Following is a list of the assignments for the 56-hour Advanced Hebrew-English translation course. A test or exam will be added if it is required by the College.
Each Threesie (click for details), you will be asked to submit certain items by e-mail, as well as certain typed items in a bound folder. The following list is color-coded to distinguish between e-mail submissions and hard copy (paper) submissions.
- Join the class e-mail forum before the second class
- Participate in at least one thread in any of the required e-mail forums
- Submit your pretty translation from the previous Threesie
Submit two out of the following three options during each Threesie
- One of the Readings (click for details)
- One Translation or manual (click for details)
- Two Miscellania items (click for details)
- The Miscellania section always requires two selections
- Read the item carefully. Some Miscellania items are submitted by e-mail and others are submitted on hard copy
Include these items as a single unit during each Threesie:
- A binder. That's right - loose pages will not be accepted.
- A statement of e-mail participation. Give the following information for each posted item:
- Name of the group
- The Yahoo date
- Your screen name
- The Subject line of the posted item
- Revised final document that includes your final perfect translation from the previous Threesie
- Photocopy of the original Hebrew
- Completed submission form
- Updated Translation Record
- Submissions, as applicable:
- Readings
- New translation
- Manual
- Two miscellania items
Translation Class Assignments
Translation Class Assignment Record
Hebrew Translating Forum website
Jewish Translation Teacher website
Bilingual Hebrew Forum Website
Ivrit Forum Website
Get in touch with the instructor
Are you required to read this article for a course? Do NOT print out the article. It is copyrighted.
Your exercise for this article is as follows:
Can you recommend any other assignments that would be suitable for this class?
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.