Study with Grossman
Advanced Translation
College Level

Each Threesie, you will be asked to submit any two items of your choice from among the following options:

  1. Create a brochure (remember the Beginner's course?)
  2. Learn, prepare a lesson, and demonstrate Word's Track Changes feature
  3. Research Google or Yahoo for ten additional Jewish Glossaries links of interest to Hebrew to English translators. Confirm that they do not yet appear in Jewish Glossaries
  4. Submit the exact URL (by e-mail) of ten additional online glossaries in another language with which you are familiar. Confirm that they do not yet appear in Jewish Glossaries
  5. (Only for the second semester): Prepare a written evaluation of the translation prepared by a classmate
  6. Interview a friendly translator whom you know. Report to the class about his work. The interview questions should include, but are not limited to, some of the following:
    • How much experience the translator has in translating
    • How much experience the translator has in editing
    • How the translator got his/her first translation jobs
    • How and where s/he gets his current jobs
    • How much s/he gets paid for translating (if s/he is willing to share this information)
    • How long it takes the translator to translate a typical double-spaced page or a printing sheet (גליון דפוס)
    • The translator's experiences with the tax authorities
    • His/Her special hints for new translators
    • How the translator finds the right words or expressions
    • Who edits and who types his/her material
    • How s/he learned both languages well enough to translate
  7. Find a passage filled with Hebrew idioms (what suddenly, to the bone of this day) and translate it incorrectly
  8. Explain and teach the class translation terms and concepts. Your explanation should help us understand how to teach these concepts in high school and for the bagrut
  9. Almost simultaneous translation
    • Record the translation on a cassette
    • Submit a copy of the cassette in your binder
  10. Constrast various unabridged dictionaries of the same type (Hebrew-Hebrew; bilingual; special)
  11. Research ways of raising bilingual children; present it on our class email group and in class
  12. Find or create an advertisement that would not work properly or would not be convincing if translated into English. Describe what is wrong with the translation and why it would not be effective. Describe what needs to be done to correct the translation so that it would be effective. Translate it again so that it will be effective in English.
  13. Translation humor: Submit ten translations that make me laugh. You'll want to collect these over the course of the year so that you'll have enough to submit
  14. Write a 3-page HE>EN translation for a real client
  15. Add five acceptable items to any combination of pages in the following sections
    • Mix and match pages, but be sure to indicate the exact page and the location on that page that will include your proposed submission. The name of that page is on the bottom right, in tiny letters
    • Check the website indexes before submitting. You will lose points for submitting an item that is already on the website!
  16. Analyze a thread on any of the required online groups
  17. Submit an original brochure or advertisement on any two of the following levels. Your log must stipulate the selected level, as well as a completed copy of the Advanced Translation Class Submission Form
    • An original Hebrew document for adults
    • An adaptation of the Hebrew, directed at Israeli children
    • A translation directed at an American adult audience
    • A translation directed at an American eighth-grade audience
    • A translation directed at a different audience - of your choice

Where do you want to go now?

Read more about this Translation class

Translation Class Assignments

Translation Class Assignment Record

Hebrew Translating Forum website

Jewish Translation Teacher website

Bilingual Hebrew Forum Website

Ivrit Forum Website

Get in touch with the instructor

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