A reading must be submitted every Threesie. Choose from among the following possible options for the readings:
- Two average-sized articles from Gordon's book
- Six average-sized pages from Grossman's website
- Six professional articles from other sources
No duplications
Consult with the class - every student must choose different pages
Post your selection to the class group before each Threesie - or even in the beginning of the year - in order to claim it as your own. Once it is posted, nobody else in the class can take it. Post your claim soon, so that you can reserve the pages that you want before they are taken!
Articles from Gordon's book
- Present a 4-5 minute description and analysis of your article(s) to the class
- Post the description and analysis to the class e-mail group
- The written class description may be identical to the item posted to the e-mail group
- The presentation and the posting are both due on the Threesie
Pages from Grossman's website
- See the instructions for reviewing a web page
- Select only pages that are ready for the public. They are listed on the status page
- That Status page will be revised on an ongoing basis during the year. Check the page at the beginning of each Threesie
- Write two thoughtful questions for the beige stripe on the bottom of the page
- Submit additional issues that can be included on the page
- Submit information about broken or incorrect links
Be sure to include the name of the page. (See the small letters on the bottom right corner)
Submit your review and your two questions to the teacher's private address. Do not submit it to the class group
Six articles in PDF format
- You will be given a collection of articles upon request
- Analyze any three average-sized articles. Work on more than three articles if they are short; work on fewer articles if they are long
- Email your analysis to the class e-mail forum
- Present your analysis to the class
Translation Class Assignments
Translation Class Assignment Record
Hebrew Translating Forum website
Jewish Translation Teacher website
Bilingual Hebrew Forum Website
Ivrit Forum Website
Get in touch with the instructor
Are you required to read this article for a course? Do NOT print out the article. It is copyrighted.
Your exercise for this article is as follows:
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.