Welcome to Laurel Columns, a set inspired by the online game, AetherMUSH and the Empyrean race. The Empyreans are Aether's rulers of the skies, inspired by the myths of ancient Greece and Rome. A prideful race known for their wings and pale features, they represent Air, one of the four natural elements that construct the world of Aether.

With this set you get the following graphics:

  • Column top background
  • Plain brick background
  • Large title banner
  • Medium title banner
  • Small title banner
  • Laurel divider bar
  • Thin divider bar
  • Small laurel buttons
  • Eight themed buttons
  • Plain column and scroll buttons for creating your own topics
  • Image-map columns with 4, 5, 6, and 7 buttons
  • Code for using the image maps
  • AetherMUSH button
  • Silver Selene button
  • HTML source code to help build your own page

    Scroll down for more information on using and downloading these graphics.

    Here are some color suggestions and samples for text colors for this set. These are not the *only* colors that can be used, they are simply suggested colors.

  • Black - #000000
  • Darkolivegreen - #556b2f
  • Darkgreen - #006400
  • Sienna - #A0522D

    The font used in the graphics is called 'Imprint MT Shadow.'

    You are free to use these graphics on your personal sites as long as you include the Silver Selene graphics logo on the pages you use the graphics on, and link it back to my site. This is required if you use all of them or just one. Please download them to your own hard drive, do not link to this site directly. They are not to be used on commercial sites. Do not alter these graphics in any form except to add text to the buttons. While I don't require it, I'd love to know if you're using one of my sets, and the address of your page.

    Download the .zip file here: Laurel Columns