Achimche is the Beauty Princess of the Universe second time in a row

After her georgious victory, the Sonk Site Informer had the chance to interview Princess Achimche and ask her about her feelings, her life and her future plans.

INFORMER: Please tell us something about your name and your rise to fame.

ACHIMCHE: As you know, I call myself Achimche now, but I was born as Ali Amani in Greece and decided to become a girl at the age of 5. I established the biggest Döner store chain in Greece, Kentucky Fried Döner, and saved the money to pay for the surgery. I was about 11 at that time.

We didn't know that.

Yes, I discovered pretty soon that I'm attracted to boys and not girls, and I loved to play with Barbie dolls and I wanted to become a ballet dancer!

There are rumours that you're going to marry C-3PO...

How did you get to know this? Yesss! We're so in LOOOVVEEE! I love his style, his glamour, he's so... well, golden!

So what about your former partner, Olfi, best known as "Kleiner"?

I don't want to talk about him!

What are your future plans then?

First I'm going on a big vacation with my golden boy, then I will do some photo-shootings for PLAYGAY.

We can't wait to see the result!

Neither can I! I had the ninth surgery last week, my body is in the best shape ever!

Thank you very much, Achimche!