The Van Halen Web Ring Home Page.

Why a Van Halen Web Ring?  Well, the main reason to create this ring is to provide to all the Internet users an easy way to find all the Van Halen pages that exist in the Web and create a cool way to unite us all. 

Who can Join?  All the Pages related to Van Halen. 

What can i do to join?  Fill the information below, and add the ring engine, i will check your page and make sure the engine is added to the page and to check that the site is VH related.

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What's the Ring Engine?

You have to download this ".zip", this archive has the HTML code and the 2 graphics to create a table like the one in the bottom this table is the ring engine, please ad the table as soon as you fill your request to be added to the ring.

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This Van Halen Web Ring site is owned by 
Guillermo Carrera.
Want to join the
Van Halen Web Ring

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