The Beatles Jukebox

The Beatles Jukebox

Hear The Beatles Here

Welcome to The Beatles Jukebox - the place to listen to and read the lyrics of Beatles songs. Now featuring the songs on the White, Red and Blue Albums.

Each link below will take you to a page which will display the lyrics to a Beatles song, and play the song's melody!

The Beatles

Over Counter Beatles fans have visited this page since August 30, 1996.

Many thanks go out to Inter-Pro Photo for allowing me to create and maintain this site on their computers.

This site is being maintained by Jimmy Liem - visit his home page at Heartland 3888.
Send suggestions or comments to

Click on the image to the left to buy Beatles CDs and books online from CD Now.

Instructions on hearing the songs:

First-time vistiors can view more detailed instructions.
If you are using Microsoft Explorer (any version) or Netscape Navigator (version 3.0 or later), and have a sound card (or a multimedia computer) you shouldn't have any problems. Please wait for the sound file to download when you goto a song page.
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The Beatles Jukebox Chat Room

Chat with other Beatlemanics in real time! Click Here to Enter!

Beatles Trivia Quiz

Test your knowledge of The Beatles. Questions covering just about every aspect of the Fabfour. Great for parties (maybe!). Click here if you're game!

Song of the Month Song Suggestion Form

October - Rain - Paul McCartney and John Lennon

Suggest a Song - Want to see your favorite song here? Use this form to voice your opinion!

Previous Songs of the Month

September Live And Let Die Paul McCartney
August I'll Follow The Sun Lennon and McCartney
July Good Day Sunshine (ver 2) Lennon and McCartney
June Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (ver 2) Lennon and McCartney
May Maybe I'm Amazed (ver 2) (ver 3) Paul McCartney
April Maxwell's Silver Hammer Lennon and McCartney
March When I'm Sixty-Four (ver 2) (ver 3) Lennon and McCartney
February Oh! Darling (ver 2) Lennon and McCartney
January Please Mr. Postman (ver 2) Dobbin, Garrett, Garman, Brianbert
December Happy Christmas (War is Over) (ver 2) John Lennon
November I've Just Seen A Face (ver 2) Lennon and McCartney
October Real Love (ver 2) (ver 3) John Lennon
September Here There And Everywhere (ver 2) Lennon and McCartney
August Imagine John Lennon
July Free As A Bird Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Richard Starkey
June You Never Give Me Your Money Lennon and McCartney
May I Saw Her Standing There Lennon and McCartney
April Taxman George Harrison
March Lovely Rita Lennon and McCartney
February If I Fell Lennon and McCartney
You Won't See Me Lennon and McCartney
January Junior's Farm Sir Paul McCartney

The White Album (The Beatles)

Side One

  1. Back in the USSR (ver 2)
  2. Dear Prudence
  3. Glass Onion
  4. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (ver 2)
  5. Wild Honey Pie
  6. The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
  7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (ver 2)
  8. Happiness is a Warm Gun
  9. Martha My Dear (ver 2)
  10. I'm So Tired (ver 2)
  11. Blackbird
  12. Piggies (ver 2)
  13. Rocky Raccoon
  14. Don't Pass Me By
  15. Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
  16. I Will (ver 2)
  17. Julia

Side Two

  1. Birthday
  2. Yer Blues
  3. Mother Nature's Son
  4. Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
  5. Sexy Sadie
  6. Helter Skelter (ver 2)
  7. Long, Long, Long
  8. Revolution 1
  9. Honey Pie
  10. Savoy Truffle
  11. Cry Baby Cry
  12. Revolution 9
  13. Good Night

The Red Album (1962 - 1966)

Side One

  1. Love Me Do
  2. Please Please Me
  3. From Me to You
  4. She Loves You
  5. I Want to Hold Your Hand
  6. All My Loving
  7. Can't Buy Me Love
  8. A Hard Day's Night
  9. And I Love Her
  10. Eight Days A Week
  11. I Feel Fine
  12. Ticket To Ride
  13. Yesterday

Side Two

  1. Help!
  2. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
  3. We Can Work It Out
  4. Day Tripper
  5. Drive My Car
  6. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
  7. Nowhere Man
  8. Michelle
  9. In My Life
  10. Girl
  11. Paperback Writer
  12. Eleanor Rigby
  13. Yellow Submarine

The Blue Album (1967 - 1970)

Side One

  1. Strawberry Fields Forever (ver 2)
  2. Penny Lane
  3. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
  4. With A Little Help From My Friends
  5. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
  6. A Day In The Life
  7. All You Need Is Love
  8. I Am The Walrus
  9. Hello, Goodbye
  10. The Fool On The Hill
  11. Magical Mystery Tour
  12. Lady Madonna
  13. Hey Jude
  14. Revolution

Side Two

  1. Back In The USSR
  2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (ver 2)
  3. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
  4. Get Back
  5. Don't Let Me Down
  6. The Ballad Of John And Yoko
  7. Old Brown Shoe
  8. Here Comes The Sun
  9. Come Together (ver 2)
  10. Something
  11. Octopus's Garden
  12. Let It Be
  13. Across The Universe
  14. The Long And Winding Road

Twisted Tunes

Against my better judgement - parodies to Beatles songs.

Beatles E-mail Discussion List

A forum to talk about anything that has to with The Beatles! -- View Details> or Join
To subscribe, enter your e-mail address here:

News: April 19, 1998 - Linda McCartney dies at 56
News: April 21, 1998 - Paul McCartney releases statement reacting to death of wife Linda
News: April 23, 1998 - Linda McCartney did not die in California according to official
News: April 23, 1998 - Linda McCartney's death still a mystery
News: April 23, 1998 - Linda McCartney's doctor releases statement following rumors of assisted suicide
The Beatles Jukebox -
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A tradition since August 30, 1996.
Last edited on December 24, 2002. (ver. 3.8 Dec02)

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This site is being maintained by Jimmy Liem - visit his home page at Heartland 3888.

Internet Link Exchange

Click on the image to the left to buy Beatles CDs and books online from CD Now.