Layne's Beatle Page

Layne's Beatle Page

Welcome to Layne's Beatle page. Here you'll find fab photos, sound clips , and album cover discography as well as links to other Beatle sights. If you have thoughts or suggestions for how to make this a better Beatle page, please E-mail me.

From my first day on this Earth, the Beatles have been an important part of my every day existence. Having grown up sharing a room with my older brother, I went to sleep each night listening to one or another of the American issued Beatle LP's. I remember all the posters and White Album glossies which covered every inch of our bedroom walls (and part of the ceiling). I remember every time one of the Beatle movies were on TV it was a major family event. Mom made popcorn and Kool-aid for my siblings and I as we sat on the floor in front of the TV getting all excited for the start of Hard Day's Night or Help. What a wonderful time it was. Being born in 1966, I was only four years old when the Beatles broke up, yet I still remember my brother telling me the awful news that it was over. The only thing that got us through the break up was the way we carried on in our Beatle enthusiasm as if they were still together. After all, when you pulled that vinyl disc out of those magic slip covers and gave it a spin on the turn table, the music was still there. It still is , and after all... that's what it really is all about. While recognizing the vastness of the Beatles social, political and fashion influences, the music is and always will be the most important of their contributions to our world. Now as we carry on through the 21st Century, my children are sharing in the Beatle legacy. They sing along with the songs and know who each Beatle is when they see pictures, in fact, they can usually identify the singer or writer of most Beatle songs. And as their life goes on, and they experience times when life seems uncertain, I hope they can find the same comfort and solace that I always have in the Beatle's music... and in the music of their generation which of course wouldn't be what it is or will be were it not for Four Lads from Liverpool.

Beatle Album Discography

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