Syracuse Fan Club Convention

--- Syracuse, NY ---


It was hot in Syracuse on August 25th, 1995. The only thing hotter than the weather was AIR SUPPLY!! They were performing two free shows at the New York State Fair grounds. The day began when Graham and Russell along with band members Hans, Mark and Cliff, took the stage for their first show that began at 4 pm with a second show scheduled for 8 pm.

Both shows lasted about an hour playing mostly their greatest hits as well as songs from their new album "News From Nowhere". Russell was his usual charismatic self, drawing the audience in with his charm. Graham made sure to welcome all of the fans. He mentioned a special event for fan club members later that night and said that the band was looking forward to the get together. He then introduced "Unchained Melody" by stating that Air Supply had taken a classic and made it their own. Personally, I think Air Supply's version of this song is the best! After the shows, even though the fan club event was scheduled, the band still took time to meet with those fans that waited.

Around 10 p.m., the doors to the conference room at the Hotel Syracuse opened and Simon, Graham's son, was there to greet the fans as they arrived. Many of the fans arrived looking a little "red". No, it wasn't because they were there to meet the guys! SUNBURN!! Spirits were high and each fan received either a t-shirt or a cassette tape of the song "The Way I Feel", which was a very new song at the time. They also held a drawing for door prizes and there were refreshments served. The fans got a special treat as we got a "Sneak Peak" at the unreleased "Now and Forever Live" video that was playing on a TV at the front of the room.

After mingling for a short time, Graham, Russell, Cliff, Mark and Hans arrived and Simon introduced them. They all stood at the front of the room and answered questions that the fans would ask. Graham was asked about his rock opera Sherwood and his reply was that there was nothing being done with it and he was putting it on hold because so many people were doing stuff about Robin Hood and he didn't want to add more to it.

After the question and answer session, Simon then gave away the door prizes with Graham and Russell's assistance. Introductions of what was to be the new fan club with Simon as the President followed. New and exciting things were to be in the works and it was great to hear of all the upcoming events. Afterwards, we were allowed to mingle with the band and get autographs and pictures. It was quite late as the evening drew to a close and both Graham and Russell were exhausted. The next morning they were catching an early flight home but they still took the time to meet with all of us. Thanks guys, for a wonderful time and caring enough to give your fans all that you do.
----- Story by Karen Catalde - Pics by Teri Selesky & Gabrielle Mappone ----

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