" I have long hair for two reasons...
#1 I get laid and #2 I get paid"
(Thanks to Manda for this one!)
"If you THINK you STINK..."
"This business is about choices. If you
(Thanks to Nae for sending this one)
make excuses you'll make nothing else."
"There is nothing like getting your mom
on the phone, freaking out because
I'm on the cover of CIRCUS."
" I want to give each person in the aduience
"These cops shot me with a stun gun,
a dose of cool. Hopefully they'll walk out
smacked me around, and put me in jail.
with a little more strut then they came in with.
I had to go to court the next week, but I
I want them to get the vibe I got when I
got off with a $6,000 fine." (reguarding
went to see Paul Stanley and Steven Tyler."
the Johnstown, PA concert)
"Some singers will sound the same the whole album.
I try to do different vocal styles for each song.
I think I learned that from Rob Halford."
"People look at us and don't think
"I'm doing the same thing I've been
about what problems we might have
doing for the past five years, but now
or anything like that. They see people
it's all happening, and I thank God."
who they've seen on television and
heard on the raido, and now they're
"I think it's funny when people get excited
standing right next to them. We're
meeting me. Hey I remember how excited I
like some sort of hero come to life,
got when I used to meet my idols. People like
even if we aren't heroes."
Ace Frehley. To think I have that sort of
effect on anyone is hilarious."
"Tommy Lee took me for a ride on
his Harley. I was drunk out of my skull and
screaming at the top of my lungs. It was
wild! Tico calls me the blond version of
Tommy. I love it."
"I was once in a band called VO5, five guys with the biggest hair. We
did cover tunes, alot of Motley stuff. One night Nikki and Tommy came down
and they were so cool, they were really into it. We partied with them after
and they gave up tickets and passes to their show. I said to Tommy, ' I'll
be seeing you alot sooner then you think,' and he said ' I really hope
so.' Now we're playing together and I'm singing on their album. It blows
me away."
"The only time success comes before sweat
is in the dictionary."
"T-Rex played at my parents
"I'm the Marshall-mouth,
wedding reception. I grew up on
always talking."
Zeppelin and Hendrix."
"I started playing in bars when I was 15.
A band called Kid Wicked. I was 6'2"
So nobody cared."
"There's a time and place for everything.
"It's fun to have a couple of drinks, but
You can't go out and get drunk and
every night you've gotta be on and kickin'
expect to sound like Luciano Pavarotti
ass. You gotta be professional."
the next day."
"When you get up there you're so
pumped with adrenaline, it's insane!"
"One of the worst things I have to go through
is being a complete asshole to fans when they come to my door. Unfortunately,
they don't understand. I didn't understand when I was 15 either. I'm a
very recognizable guy, I'm always getting noticed because I'm so tall.
It's great and I love it, it's a great compliment. But when I'm home and
in the yard tryin to catch some rays or I'm writing a song on my front
I remember getting a knock on the door Christmas
Day, It's a guy form Pennsylvania who always follows me around, with around
400 things for me to autograph, I go 'Get out of my house right now!' I
hate to do that. One time I'm sound asleep and I hear this guy yelling,
'I love you!,' and I go out there in my underware and there's this 28 year
old drunk guy going, 'I love you, man your my f*@kin' favorite!'
We had a beer, and I said, "Okay, that's cool, but mellow out!' "
"If I ever grow up I don't
"I always thought that heavy metal
wanna be around for it...(road life
was to music what Pop Tarts were to
is) like summer camp, only we're
food, nothing tastes better at 3:00
allowed to get drunk"
in the morning"
"There's no doubt that there's alot of luck
involved, but luck dosen't happen if there
aren't the goods underneath it all. It's a very
fickle buissness. People's perceptions and
likes and dislikes are ever changing. You
got to be yourselves. Don't follow trends,
set them"
Congratulations to Sebastian Bach, who married
his long time girlfriend Maria Aquiar at his home in New Jersey. The wedding
was attened by close friends and family, including members of the band.
Says the extremely outspoken frontman, "Boning, being on of my favorite
pastimes, has become a Russian Roulette of the 90's. This being a fact,
I think it is desirable to find someone loving and kinky enough to satisfy
my desire so that you never get bored with each other....." The happy couple
have a four year old son, Paris Beirk. (SCREAMER/ JAN.93)
"I was told, 'You cant' tell anybody you have
a son. People will think you the Mr Rogers of rock.' I go are you serious?
So I had to live a lie. It would tear me in half. No I see all the bullshit
and the facade of the music industry that treats its listners like cattle,
insults their intelligence. I can make my own decisions and I not gonna
hide something I'm so proud of. I had my son on the road and I had to have
him go in another entrance to the hotel to avoid people seeing me with
him. I got in some serious fights with some people over that. I hate that,
trying to put one over on the public. I'm not gonna be some fake guy--
this is me. I play music hard and I have a son.
While the most devastating
earthquake in more then 20 years thrashed Los Angeles on the morning of
Jan. 17, Baz and wife Maria were busy on the other coast delivering their
second son.
The night before, Baz did
some shaking of his own: He crused over to New York's Limelight with his
bud Rob Halford from Fight. "It was the first time I had left the house
in a week," Bach told the Chain Gang
They were in the middle of
"Devil's Child" with Rob's band when the cellular phone rang. Baz quickly
jammed back over the Hudson river to meet Maria in Red Bank, NJ
"Weighing in at six pounds
five ounces, London Siddhartha Halford Bach made his debut apperance on
planet earth in January 17, 1994 at 5:25am," Bach announced. "He rocks!"
(Chain Gang's Chain Letter Volume one issue one)
"My family loved singing all the time
"I think about my voice first and foremost
execpt for when I started singing
not my hair or how tight my pants are. If you
high-pitched, metal tunes. I remember
concentrate on your performance, everything
my mom saying something like, 'You
else will take care of it's self. I'm dedicated to
sound like a dying cat.' Thanks Mom."
singing my best and getting respect from
musicians, that's what really counts."