Backstreet Boys Around The World


An Interview With Nick

Q: How are the fans in America different from the fans in the rest of the world?
NICK: I think the one thing that's really cool is American fans pay attention. They study you. And in a way, it's very cool, because you know they're paying attention to what you sound like.

Q: You've really grown up in the group. Do the other guys treat you differently now than they did when you were youger?
NICK: When I was a lot younger in the band they used to tease me a lot. But now I have gotten bigger, They don't do that anymore.

Q: What sorta girls catch your eye these days?
NICK: It dosn't really matter to me what she looks like as long as she has a good personlity and she's really nice. I don't care if she has blonde, dark or reen hair! But she's gotta be independent and like herself and not care about what anyone else thinks.

Q: Can you describe a perfect date?
NICK: I would take her to the beach at night. There would be a full moon with a bunch of stars out. The sand would be pure, white, beautiful and soft. The ocean would be calm with the moonlight shining off the water.

Q: Ohhh...Have you ever tried to have a serious girlfriend since joining the Backstreet Boys?
NICK: It dosn't work. If we were just i the States, mabey it would work, but, man, we are everywhere! And we're always gone for months at a time. Just being friends with somebody is hard. But we definitely do like girls.

Q: What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten in a foreign country?
NICK: Oh, man, we were in Thailand. They've got the spicest food, oh my god, that I ever had in my life.

Q: Does anyone in your family travel withyou on tour?
NICK: My sister does. She's 15 and her name is Bobbie.

Q: What's the best and worst thing about being on the road?
NICK: I guess just all the people you get to see and the places you get to go. A lot of people out there don't get to do all the travling that we get to do. We've very fortunate, so that's the best thing. Worst thing is probably just being away from home.

Q: Would you like to do some acting someday?
NICK: Yeah, definitely.

Q: What would your dream role be?
NICK: Probably my ideal role would be in an action movie. I would love to do an action movie, somrthing like Mortal Kombat. Or like a war movie where your running through the jungle. Or a pretender movie. It's got to be action, like the end of Independence Day. I would also like to direct a movie. I'd like to produce and direct.

Q: Who would be the star in the movie you direct?
NICK: Me! (laughs) The thing is, we've talked about this a few times, that mabey in the future it would be cool if we made a movie about ourselves. That would be cool.

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