SOUND QUALITY: on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the best score), I
would rate this a 10. It sounds excellent...mainly due to the
fact that most of this stuff comes from previously-released studio material.
I have mixed feelings on this CD. Most of these songs have been released
officially in some part of the world (the exceptions are the 5 demo tracks
at the end of the CD). That is the reason why I'm not totally fond of this
CD. It is a nice compilation of b-sides and other rarities, but before you
get this CD, I'd say that you should have a lot of these songs in their
original form. Especially for stuff that is still in print, like the Los
Gusanos "I'd Love..." EP, which is available on Alternative Tentacles records.
Look at the cover. (15 K)
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