bEgIn hERe:


i love katie
my baby's page


Messiah Chick



--No Harvest-A great local band from my town :) BRETON kix ass! hehe

Think you may get abducted by aliens???? buy your UFO ABDUCTION INSURANCE HERE!!!

stiffs.com---pick which celebrity is gonna die next!!!!

newgrounds.com---for you sick twisted fucks out there (myself included)

Sins Child
vampire links

The Coven Organization - dedicated to the preservation of Vampiric lifestyles

Stuck Mojo's Homepage
The Mojo----Xacks page, a fan of Stuck Mojo
my experiences with Stuck Mojo---Plus some pics

Banner links---music, inks, graphics, revenge, etc................

[me] [random] [poetry] [art gallery] [perfect drug] [mail]