You will not silence my message...You will not mock my God... You will stop killing my generation... Who will cry for the children? Who will be their voice? You can watch them die quietly,or you can Rock for Life...

Abortion is MURDER


My Beliefs are just that- MY beliefs. Disagree, if you must, but at least respect my right to dissent. And I shall defend, till death, your right to do the same.

(This was taken from a tract i got. i think it was from rock for life.)

In 1936...

The German Supreme Court refused to recognize Jews living in Germany as legal “persons.” From that point on they had no rights or protection under the German Constitution. Shortly thereafter the Nazi’s began their “final solution” to the Jews in Europe. During Hitler’s reign over 6,000,000 Jews were put to death.

In 1973...

The U.S. Supreme Court in their Roe vs. Wade decision ruled that unborn babies are not legal “persons.” From that point on they have had no rights or protection under our Constitution. Since that decision over 28,000,000 unborn babies have been put to death by abortion in this country.

Jews Are “Sub- Human” “The sub- human that biologically seemingly complete creation of nature with hands, feet and a kind of brain, with eyes and a mouth, is nevertheless a completely different, dreadful creature.”

Unborn Babies are “Sub-Human” “Fetuses, especially those as old as five or six months, elicit our sympathy… because they look disconcertingly like people; their physical features are recognizably human. But this sympathy is misplaced… While a fetus of five or six months may, perhaps, possess some flickering of sensation, or some capacity to feel pain, this is equally true and probably even more true of creatures like fish or insects… a proper respect for the right to life requires that it not be respected where it does not exist.”

Jews Are “Parasites” Adolph Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, “(Jews) are a parasite in the body of other peoples.”

Unborn Babies Are “Parasites” “A woman should have a right to an abortion just as she has the right to remove any parasitic growth from her body.”

Jews are a “Mass” “It had nothing to do with humanity… it was a mass.” -Franz Stangi, Treblinka commandant explaining how he viewed his part in the destruction of almost 1,000,000 men, women, and children.

Unborn Babies Are a “Mass” “What is aborted is a protoplasmic mass and not a real, live, grown up individual.” This statement was made by Dr. J.F. McDermott & W.F. Char in an effort to pacify nurses at a Hawaiian hospital when they became extremely upset by “dead fetuses and pieces of limbs, fingernails, and hair” in the operating room.

Killing Jews is Simply “Evacuation” In an official Nazi report of the fate of 15,000 Jewish women and children killed in the area of Serbia in mobile gas vans, it simply stated that they had been “evacuated.”

Killing Unborn Babies is Simply “Evacuation” Between 1970 and 1977, California millionaire- abortionist Dr. Edward Alfred was personally responsible for destroying 35,000 human lives before birth, including 7,000 mid-trimester abortions by salt poisoning. When asked by a reporter what happens in an abortion, Dr. Alfred said, “the contents are evacuated.”

Torturing Jews is “Medical Research” To justify the concentration camp experiments Dr. August Hirt supplied this rational, “These condemned men will at least make themselves useful,” he said. “Wouldn’t it be ridiculous to execute them and send their bodies to the crematory oven without giving them a chance to contribute to society.”

Torturing Unborn Babies is “Medical Research” In 1980 Dr. Marti Kelomaki justified experiments involving slicing open the stomachs and cutting off the heads of live late term unborn babies. “An aborted baby is just garbage and that’s where it ends up,” he declared, “Why not make use of it in society?”

Because I am a Christian, I will be taking my argument from the Bible, the Word of God. This comes from Psalm 139:13-16. I will capitalize the words that state my points.

"For you CREATED my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully MADE; your works are wonderful, I know that full well... When I was WOVEN together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my UNFORMED BODY. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

1. The word created means litterally to be 'made by hand.' If we were CREATED by God, we were made by his hands. 2. 'Fearfully and wonderfully MADE' suggests not only that we were, again, created, but that we were created wonderful. Genesis 2:1 states that "God created man in HIS OWN IMAGE." This makes our lives worth something, wouldn't you say? 3. WOVEN also suggests made with care and thought, not just some thing made on an assembly line. 4. David, who is believed to have written this, doesn't call the baby 'tissue' or a 'fetus,' he actually calls it an unformed body. It means that this 'tissue' or 'fetus' is actually an unformed body.

Pro-Death Bands to Boycott

These bands support abortion in many ways. Some play concerts to raise money for Planned Parenthood, Rock For Choice, and other abortion organizations. Some of them donate proceeds of their albums to Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations. Some of them put songs on albums released to raise money for these organizations. And others work as clinic deathscorts or are very vocal for abortion. We need to stop supporting these bands who would help in the murder of unborn children. If your favorite band is on this list please write to them and tell them how disappointed you are that they would help in the deaths of innocent children.

Pearl Jam,




Soul Asylum,

Sound Garden,


Bikini Kill,


Red Hot Chili Pepers,

Joan Jett,

David Byrne,

Iggy Pop,

Laurie Anderson,

Juliana Hatfield,

Living Coulor,


Stone Temple Pilots,

Liz Phair,


Seven Year Bitch,



Eve's Plumb,

Ebony Vibe Everlasting,

that dog,

Melissa Ferrick,

Presidents Of The United States Of Ameica,

Natalie Merchant,

10,000 Maniacs,

Sarah McLachlan,

Indigo Girls,

Sophie B Hawkins,

Face To Face,

Stone Fox,

Posum Dixon,



Ethyl Meatplow,


Alice In Chains,

Green Day,

Cassandra Wilson,

Cyndi Lauper,

Four Non Blondes,

Veruca Salt,


Luscious Jackson,

Rage Against The Machine,

Screaming Trees,

Mary's Danish,


The Geraldine Fibbers,

Babes In Toyland,

Letters To Cleo,

Rosanne Cash,


Smashing Pumpkins,

Peter Gabriel,

Joan Osbourne,

Tracy Chapmen,



Henry Rollins,

Mike Watt,


Dance Hall Crashers,



Shudder To Think,

The Cranes,

Deep Forest,

Wes Madiko,

Foo Fighters,


Mighty Mighty Bosstones,


Deluxx Folk Explosion,

Tracy Bonham,

Aimee Mann,

Buffalo Tom,

Fuzzy And Gigolo Aunts,

Lori Wray.

