This here is some authentic drug-induced banter. All typing errors and other problems with the text have been left in because they were included in my original thought.
here i sit in that stoned buzz that i do enjoy... slightly paranoid, but i'm okay with that. sitting here, smoking a joint, my parents asleep in the next room... I'm a risktaker, i guess. it's werid, cos i think my dad might know... and he'd be mad... i don't think he'll be mad about me doing it or anything, just the whole bring illegal narcotics in the house... that's what i'm kinda paranoid about... but like i said i'm okay with it... the only thing they could take away from me is montreal, and i'm sure they'd get aroundit. i might feel slight guilt as i stutter around trying to cover my tracks... i dn't think it's working... but slightly covered tracks are better than blaintant sloppiness. i have excuses, i guess... but still, damn that guily thing. music is cool right now... chemical broths has never sounded better... that's just what's on the radio. i'm enjoying it... like, it's nice. i have to watch myself, i don't know why this makes people always say 'man', it does though... i'm tempted, really... but for fear of sounding like the true stoners i know, i'll try to avoid it... i'm not one of them. how ludircrus, denial... silly girl. I'm really not like this most times you'll find me... usually more intellegable (that was really hard to spell) though maybe not so intellegent. its a different type of it though. i'm glad typing is subconscious so i can think with my hands rather than my head. i think i just managed to filter myself from beastie boys... i don't like them... now weird tranceish stuff is on... love it... hate it too. now i'm eating cookies... i just went to get them in that space between too and now, but you'd never have known that if i hadn't told you... that strikes me as odd now, but probably won't whem i'm better, or at least feel normalish, wahtever that is. i can't remember what sober feels like, which scares me a little but i don't really mind. i always do this as a sorta test of myself... like how can i think when i'm... in a state or some sort... i was doing quizes for awhile, it was entertaining if nothing else... saturday night is better this way, i was entertained this time... first time in awhile... so there scott... i hope the incense covers the scent... and i can cover myself... my mother'll flip if she finds out... that would really suck... how mad did she get when i was drunk? and that was sorta legal. i'll find out, i think they know... maybe they won't mention it. yeah right. my hands are freezying. i like that word freezying. i'll probbly be too tierd to do this in a little while... this buzz will make it hard to sleep, but make it hard to stay awake also. i really am quite afraid my parents will find out about this. i also fear that my eyes will get stuck open. the little toy car hav on my moniter is also quite fascinating, as i found myself making lives for the people in the little car (a blue VW)... some guy just randomed me on icq... chinese guy... i didn't have the patience to figure out his english... probalby a pervert anyway... male thing. i'm thinking too much or osmething... i'm really cold... i'm gonna get a sweater. i did... now i even look like a stoner... caitlin liked this shirt. it's got a big happy face globe on it. stoner caitlin, jenn's sis... i was stoned with her once... and krista, it was fun, kristas fun when stoned. Jenn was mad about htat... radioheaad is too wise... blissful. not blissful, aswell... my head is spinning. i'm not sure i like it. talking to people is weird... i can be coherent, but it's nicer not to be. woh. the computer just updated itself, that was weird. this guy is gonna ask me to cyber... it's appealing... but i think i still suck at it... haha. laugh at own jokes... bad. at the point of not caring... the club i was listening to... just ended... it was 2 am, then all of a sudden it was 3 am. this weekend sucks for that very reason... ah well. tuesday'll be fucked anyway. i can never get to school on time... ah well, get good enough grades... i should really save this for parties... wow i've written a lot... i'm startin to come down a little. everytime i close my eyes... i feel like i'm falling or something... i'm really scared that I'll fall and make a big noise and my parents will awaken and find me... well, y'know. i might sleep soon... i've been avoiding it. I'm gonna fall.. y',know... better go to bed. less suspiscious.
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