Off the rails I was and

Off the rails

I was happy to stay


On the rack I was

Easy meat, and a reasonably good buy

A reasonably good buy

The Piccadilly palare

Was just silly slang

Between me and the boys in my gang

"So Bona to Vada. OH YOU

Your lovely eek and

Your lovely riah"

We plied an ancient trade

Where we threw all life's

Instructions away

Exchanging lies and digs (my way)

Cause in a belted coat

Oh, I secretly knew

That I hadn't a clue

(No, no. No, no, no. You can't get there that way. Follow me...)

The Piccadilly palare

Was just silly slang

Between me and the boys in my gang

Exchanging palare

You wouldn't understand

Good sons like you


So why do you smile

When you think about Earl's Court ?

But you cry when you think of all

The battles you've fought (and lost) ?

It may all end tomorrow

Or it could go on forever

In which case I'm doomed

It could go on forever

In which case I'm doomed

Bona Drag...




There are some bad people on the rise

There are some bad people on the rise

They're saving their own skins by

Ruining other people's lives

Bad, bad people on the rise

Young married couple in debt

- ever felt had?

Young married couple in debt

- ever felt had?

On a government scheme

Designed to kill your dream

Oh mum, oh dad

Once poor, always poor

La la la la la

Interesting drug

The one that you took


An interesting drug

The one that you took

God, it really really helped you

You wonder why we're only half-ashamed?

"Because ENOUGH is TOO MUCH!

...and look around ...

...can you blame us? CAN you blame us?"

On a government scheme

Designed to kill your dream

Oh mum, oh dad

Once poor, always poor

La la la la la

Interesting drug

The one that you took


An interesting drug

The one that you took

God, it really really helped you

You wonder why we're only half-ashamed?

"Because ENOUGH is TOO MUCH!

...and look around ...

...can you blame us? CAN you blame us?"




Sleep on and dream of Love

Because it's the closest you will

Get to love

Poor twisted child

So ugly, so ugly

Poor twisted child

Oh hug me, oh hug me

One November

Spawned a monster

In the shape of this child

Who later cried :

"But Jesus made me, so

Jesus save me from

pity, sympathy

And people discussing me"

A frame of useless limbs

What can make GOOD

All the BAD that's been done?

And if the lights were out

Could you even bear

To kiss her full on the mouth

(Or anywhere?)

Oh, poor twisted child

So ugly, so ugly

Poor twisted child

Oh hug me, oh hug me

One November

Spawned a monster

In the shape of this child

Who must remain

A hostage to kindness

And the wheels underneath her

A hostage to kindness

And the wheels underneath her

A symbol of where mad, mad lovers

Must PAUSE and draw the line.

So sleep and dream of love

Because it's the closest

You will get to love

That November

Is a time

Which I must

Put OUT of my mind

Oh, one fine day

Let it be soon

She won't be rich or beautiful

But she'll be walking your streets

In the clothes that she went out

And chose for herself.





I'm writing this to say

In a gentle way

Thank You - but no

I will live my life as I

Will undoubtedly die - alone

I'm writing this to say

In a gentle way

Thank You ...

I will live my life as I ... oh

For whether you stay

Or stray

An inbuilt guilt catches up with you

And as it comes around to your place

At 5 A.M.; wakes you up

And it laughs in your face




Such a little thing

Such a little thing

But the difference it made was grave

There you go

Wielding a bicycle chain

Oh, why won't you change?

Change and be nicer?

Such a little thing

A gentle tone of kindness

Or written words on paper

- can you write?

How I love all of

The very simple things of life

(God's good air)

How I love all of

The very simple things of life

Such a little thing

A fumbling politeness

The difference saved me

Wielding a bicycle chain

Why won't you change?



Most peole keep their brains

Between their legs

(Don't you find?)

Leave me alone - I was only singing

Leave me alone because

I was only singing

Leave me alone - I was only singing

Leave me alone

You have just proved (again)






Dear hero imprisoned

With all the new crimes that you are perfecting

Oh, I can't help quoting you

Because everything that you said rings true

And now in my cell

(Well, I followed you)

And here's a list of who I slew

Reggie Kray - do you know my name?

Oh, don't say you don't

Please say you do, (oh) I am:

The last of the famous

International playboys

The last of the famous

International playboys

And in my cell

(Well, I loved you)

And every man with a job to do

Ronnie Kray - do you know my face?

Oh, don't say you don't

Please say you do, (oh) I am:

The last of the famous

International playboys

The last of the famous

International playboys

In our lifetime those who kill

The newsworld hands them stardom

And these are the ways

On which I was raised

These are the ways

On which I was raised

I never wanted to kill


Such things I do

Just to make myself

More attractive to you



Oh, the last of the famous

International playboys

The last of the famous




Ouija board

Would you work for me?

I have got to say Hello

To an old friend

Ouija board, ouija board, ouija board

Would you work for me?

I have got to get through

To a good friend

Well, she has now gone

From this Unhappy Planet

With all the carnivores

And the destructors of it

Ouija board, ouija board, ouija board

Would you help me?

Because I still do feel

So horribly lonely

Would you, ouija board

Would you, ouija board

Would you help me?

And I just can't find

My place in this world

She has now gone

From this Unhappy Planet

With all the carnivores

And the destructors of it

Oh hear my voice ("hear my voice")

Oh hear my voice ("hear my voice")

Hear my voice ("hear my voice")

Hear my voice ("hear my voice")

The table is rumbling ...

The table is rumbling

The glass is moving

"No, I was NOT pushing that time"

It spells : S.T.E.V.E.N

The table is rumbling

The glass is moving

"No, I was NOT pushing that time":

P.U.S.H.O. double F.

Well, she has now gone

From this Unhappy Planet

With all the carnivores

And the destructors of it




Here is London, giddy of London

Is it home of the free -

Or what ?

Can you squeeze me

Into an empty page of your diary

And psychologically save me

I've got faith in you

I sense the power

Within the fingers

Within an hour the power

Could totally destroy me

(Or, it could save my life)

Oh, here is London

"Home of the brash, outrageous and free"

You are repressed

But you're remarkably dressed

Is it Real ?

And you're always busy

Really busy

Busy, busy

Oh, hairdresser on fire

All around Sloane Square

And you're just so busy

Busy, busy

Busy scissors

Oh, hairdresser on fire

(Only the other day)

Was a client, over-cautious

He made you nervous

And when he said

"I'm gonna sue you"

Oh, I really felt for you ...mmm...

So can you squeeze me

Into an empty page of your diary;

And supernaturally change me ?

Change me, change

Oh, here in London

"Home of the brash, outrageous and free"

You are repressed

But you're remarkably dressed

Is it Real ?

And you're always busy

Really busy

Busy clippers

Oh, hairdresser on fire

All around Sloane Square

And you're just too busy

To see me

Busy clippers

Oh, hairdresser on fire

(Only the other day)





Trudging slowly over wet sand

Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen

This is the coastal town

That they forgot to close down

Armageddon - come Armageddon!

Come, Armageddon! Come!

Everyday is like Sunday

Everyday is silent and grey

Hide on the promenade

Etch a postcard :

"How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here"

In the seaside town

...that they forgot to bomb

Come, Come, Come - nuclear bomb

Everyday is like Sunday

Everyday is silent and grey

Trudging back over pebbles and sand

And a strange dust lands on your hands

(And on your face...)

(On your face ...)

(On your face ...)

(On your face ...)

Everyday is like Sunday

"Win Yourself A Cheap Tray"

Share some greased tea with me

Everyday is silent and grey





He Knows (he knows)

Or, I think he does

'Cause when I lived

In the Arse of the world

He knows, he knows

He knows I'd love

To see him happy

(Or as close as is allowed)

Oh, 'cause when I lived

In the Arse of the world ...

He knows, he knows

He knows I'd love

To see him happy

(Or as close as possible)

As close as possible

As close as possible

As close as is allowed

Oh, my name still conjures up deadly deeds

And a bad taste in the mouth

And the police - they actually know me

They said :

"You're just another person in the world

You're just another fool with radical views

You're just another who has maddening views

You want to turn it on its head

By staying in bed!"

I said : "I know I do"

He doesn't know...




Yes, I am blind

No, I can't see

The good things

Just the bad things, oh...

Yes, I am blind

No, I can't see

There must be something

Horribly wrong with me?

God, come down

If you're really there

Well, you're the one who claims to care

Love's young dream

I'm the one who shopped you

I'm the one who stopped you

'Cause in my sorry way I love you

Love's young dream

Are you sorry

For what you've done?

Well, you're not the only one

And in my sorry way I love you

Yes, I am blind

But I do see

Evil people prosper

Over the likes of you and me


God, come down

If you're really there

Well, you're the one who claims to care

Little lamb

On a hill

Run fast if you can

Good Christians, they want to kill you

And your life has not even begun!

You're just like me, you're just like me

Oh, your life has not even begun!

You're just like me, you're just like me

And your life has not even begun!

You're just like me, just like me

And your life has not even begun!

You're just like me, you're just like, just like me

And your life has not even begun!




When your gift unfurls

When your Talent becomes apparent

I will roar from the stalls

I will gurgle from the circle

The Saints smile shyly

Down on you

Oh, they couldn't get over

Your nine-leaf clover

Oh, lucky lisp was not wasted on you

Lucky lisp wasn't wasted on you

When your name's with the best

Will my name be on your guest list?

And I will roar from the stalls

Ooh, the balcony fool was me, you fool

Jesus made this all for you, love (you, love)

He couldn't get over

Your Grandma's omen

Oh, lucky lisp was not wasted on you

Lucky lisp wasn't wasted on you





Why do you come here?

And why do you hang around?

I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

Why do you come here

When you know it makes things hard for me?

When you know, oh

Why do you come?

Why do you telephone ? (Hmm...)

And why send me silly notes?

I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

Why do you come here

When you know it makes things hard for me?

When you know, oh

Why do you come?

You had to sneak into my room

'just' to read my diary

"It was just to see, just to see"

(All the things you knew I'd written about you...)

Oh, so many illustrations

Oh, but

I'm so very sickened

Oh, I am so sickened now

Oh, it was a good lay, good lay

It was a good lay, good lay

It was a good lay, good lay


It was a good lay, good lay

It was a good lay, good lay

Oh, it was a good lay, good lay


Oh, it was a good lay

It was a good lay

Oh, a good lay

Oh, it was a good lay

Good lay, good lay


It was a good lay

It was a good lay





Our unsleepable friend

Gets the message on an ill wind

"All your friends and your foes

Would rather die than have to touch you"

TO SAY THE LEAST: I'm truly disappointed

Truly, truly, truly, oh...

Drank too much

And I said too much

And there's nowhere to go - but Down

Young boy - I wanna help you

SEE THESE LINES? : Truly disappointed

Truly, truly, truly, oh...

Don't talk to me, no

About people who are "nice"

'Cause I have spent my WHOLE LIFE


Because of people who are "nice"

Oh, this world may lack Style, I know

Each bud must blossom and grow, oh...

Young girl, one day you will be old

But the thing is, I love you NOW


This is the last song I will ever sing (Yeah!)

No: I've changed my mind again (Aaw...)