There's gonna be some trouble

A whole house will need re-building

And everyone I love in the house

Will recline on an analyst's couch quite


Your Father cracks a joke

And in the usual way

Empties the room

Tell all of my friends

(I don't have too many

Just some rain-coated lovers' puny brothers)

Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt

Rush to danger

Wind up nowhere

Patric Doonan - raised to wait

I'm tired again, I've tried again, and

Now my heart is full

Now my heart is full

And I just can't explain

So I won't even try to

Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt

Every jammy Stressford poet

Loafing oafs in all-night chemists

Loafing oafs in all-night chemists

Underact - express depression

Ah, but Bunnie I loved you

I was tired again

I've tried again, and

Now my heart is full

Now my heart is full

And I just can't explain

So I won't even try to

Could you pass by ?

Could you pass by ?

Could you pass by ?

Could you pass by ?

Could you pass by ?

Oh ...

Now my heart is full

Now my heart is full

And I just can't explain

So ... slow ...

Slow ... slow ... slow ... slow ... slow ...






Spring-heeled Jim winks an eye

He'll "do", he'll never be "done to"

He takes on whoever flew through

"Well, it's the normal thing to do" ... ah ...

Spring-heeled Jim lives to love

Now kissing with his mouth full

And his eyes on some other fool

So many women

His head should be spinning

Ah, but no !

Ah, but no !

But no !

Ah, no !

Spring-heeled Jim slurs the words :

"There's no need to be so knowing

Take life at five times the

Average speed, like I do"

Until Jim feels the chill

"Oh, where did all the time go ?"

Once always in for the kill

Now it's too cold

And he feels too


Too old

Mmm, old...

La, la, la, la-la, la ...






Say, Billy Budd

So you think you should ?

Oh, everyone's laughing

Say, Billy Budd

So you think that you should ?

Everyone's laughing !

Since I took up with you

Things have been bad

Yeah, but now it's 12 years on

Now it's 12 years on

Yes, and I took up with you

I took my job application

Into town

Did you hear ? They turned me down

Yes, and it's all because of us

Oh, and what was in our eyes

Oh, what was in our eyes, yeah

I said, Billy Budd

I would happily lose

Both of my legs

I would lose both of my legs

Oh, if it meant you could be free

Oh, if it meant you could be free

(Don't leave us in the dark!)





A bond of trust

Has been abused

Something of value

May be lost

Give up your job

Squander your cash - be rash

Just hold on to your friends

There are more than enough

To fight and oppose

Why waste good time

Fighting the people you like

Who will fall defending your name

Oh, don't feel so ashamed

To have friends

But now you only call me

When you're feeling depressed

When you feel happy I'm

So far from your mind

My patience is stretched

My loyalty vexed

Oh, you're losing all of your friends

Hold on to your friends

Hold on to your friends

Resist - or move on

Be mad, be rash

Smoke and explode

Sell all of your clothes

Just bear in mind :

Oh, there just might come a time

When you need some friends





The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You're wasting your time

The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You're wasting your time

I will be

In the bar

With my head

On the bar

I am now

A central part

Of your mind's landscape

Whether you care

Or do not

Yeah, I've made up your mind

The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You're wasting your time

The more you ignore me

The closer I get

You're wasting your time

Beware !

I bear more grudges

Than lonely high court judges

When you sleep

I will creep

Into your thoughts

Like a bad debt

That you can't pay

Take the easy way

And give in

Yeah, and let me in

Oh, let me in

Oh let me ...

Oh, let me in










Oh, let me in

Ah, the closer I get

Ah, you're asking for it

Ah, the closer I get

Ooh, the closer I ...






The sanest days are mad

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Then you'll see the price

Very closely

Some men here

They have a special interest

In your career

They wanna help you to grow

And then syphon all your dough

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Then you'll see the glass

Hidden in the grass

You'll never believe me, so

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Sick down to my heart

That's just the way it goes

Some men here

They know the full extent of

Your distress

They kneel and pray

And they say :

"Long may it last"

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Then you'll see the glass

Hidden in the grass

Bad scenes come and go

For which you must allow

Sick down to my heart

That's just the way it goes

Don't rake up my mistakes

I know exactly what they are

And ... what do YOU do ?

Well ... you just SIT THERE

I've been stabbed in the back

So many many times

I don't have any skin

But that's just the way it goes





I am hated for loving

I am hated for loving

Anonymous call, a poison pen

A brick in the small of the back again

I still don't belong

To anyone - I am mine

And I am hated for loving

I am haunted for wanting

Anonymous call, a poison pen

A brick in the ... ah ...

A brick in the small of the back again

I still don't belong

To anyone - I am mine

I am falling

With no-one to catch me

I am falling

And there's still

No-one to catch me

Ah ..

Anonymous call, a poison pen

A brick in the ... ah ...

A brick in the small of the back again

I just don't belong

To anywhere

I just don't belong

Mmm ...

Ah ...





Always looking for attention

Always needs to be mentioned

Who does she

Think she should be ?

The shrill cry through darkening air

Doesn't she know he's

Had such a busy day ?

Tell her ... sshhh

Somebody tell her ... sshhh

Oh, no way, no way, there's no movement

Oh, oh, hooray

Slowest ...

It was only a test

But she swam too far

Against the tide

She deserves all she gets

The sky became marked with stars

As an out-stretched arm slowly



Oh hooray

No, oh, oh, woh, there's no movement

No, oh, hooray

Oh, hooray

Please don't worry

There'll be no fuss

She was ... nobody's nothing

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

When he awoke

The sea was calm

And another day passes like a dream

There's no ... no way

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)

(What's your name ?)






Used to be a sweet boy

Holding so tightly

To Daddy's hand

But that was all

In some distant land

Blazer and tie

And a big bright healthy smile

Used to make all

Of our trials worthwhile

Used to be a sweet boy

And I'm not to blame

But something went wrong

Something went wrong

And I know

I'm not to blame

Something went wrong

Can't be to blame

Ah ...





A world war

Was announced

Days ago

But they didn't know

The lazy sunbathers

The lazy sunbathers

The sun burns through

To the planet's core

And it isn't enough

They want more



To be

Between the ears of

The lazy sunbathers

Too jaded

To question stagnation

The sun burns through

To the planet's core

And it isn't enough

They want more

Religions fall

Children shelled

"...Children shelled ? That's all

Very well, but would you

Please keep the noise

Down low ?

Because you're waking

The lazy sunbathers ..."

Oh, the lazy sunbathers

The lazy sunbathers





And when you slam

Down the hammer

Can you see it in your heart ?

All of the rumours

Keeping me grounded

I never said, I never said that they were

Completely unfounded

So when you slam

Down the hammer

Can you see it in your heart ?

Can you delve so low ?

And when you're standing

On my fingers

Can you see it in your heart ? ... ah ...

And when you try

To break my spirit

It won't work

Because there's nothing left to break


All of the rumours

Keeping me grounded

I never said, I never said that they were

Completely unfounded

You won't sleep

Until the earth that wants me

Finally has me

Oh you've done it now

You won't rest

Until the hearse that becomes me

Finally takes me

Oh you've done it now

And you won't smile

Until my loving mouth

Is shut good and proper


All of the rumours

Keeping me grounded

I never said, I never said that they were

Completely unfounded

And all those lies

Written lies, twisted lies

Well, they weren't lies

They weren't lies

They weren't lies

I never said

I never said

I could have mentioned your name

I could have dragged you in

Guilt by implication

By association

I've always been true to you

In my own strange way

I've always been true to you

In my own sick way

I'll always stay true to you