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Website Building & Design Resources

Look closely, don't blink, yes, she's an angel chic, but, it isn't me this time. =) This is a helpful resource page with some really great links for everything you need to make your own awesome website. Put a little time and effort into exploring and learning from these links and you'll have a virtual eye candy paradise of your own in no time. After all, what initially attracts someone to stay and explore? The look and feel of your site! Please let me know if any links are dead or if you know a great one I should add. Thanks and enjoy!

Easy Webpages
(No HTML program
language codes to learn)

(the basics, help for those with html anxiety) Web Spawner, GotFusion, ICaboodleSites  ...............................................
Beginner Editors: Hot Dog Pro, Netscape Composer, etc.
Cool, easy  HTML
Microsoft Fontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, SoftQuad's Hot Metal Pro, Nvu, Adobe GoLive AceHtml, CoffeeCup Html, and More           Other: Simple My Space Profile Editor, Advanced - My Gen            (Redirect Pages - TinyUrl, Bravenet, or the V3 Site Redirect )
Free Website &
 Image Hosting
(cheap domains -
Geocities, Free Servers, Sub-Net!, Angelfire, Tripod, Xoom, FortuneCity, Go, Expage, Express, Gurl Pages, Beseen, ICQ, Free Town, Lycos, Homestead, AcmeCity, Guestpage, Homepage, Free Webs Dreamwater, 50mb, Cafe Press (Seller Shop), Sell It, Media Fire, File Box 
Image Shack, Photo Bucket,
Image Sharing, Dreamstime, 123 Royalty Free, Shutterstock , FreeVectors Crestock, Istockphoto, Emaniacs, Fotosearch, Vecteezy, Designious, Punchstock, Vector Jungle, Vector Graphics, Fotolia  Multimedia Stock, Vector4Free, Goggle Pics, Ditto Pics, Corbis PicsYahoo Pics, WireImageRawClipArt,  IHeartVector , Keep Designing, Go Media    (Tip: Download an ftp program to upload your files to your site faster.)
(account for your webpage feedback, if your homepage doesn't come with one) Lotus Notes,  ICQ, Juno, Hotmail, Yahoo, Appex, Excite, MailCity, MyOwnEmail, DotComEmail (pick your own domain name), Email, Incredimail, More
Free Polls / Votes/ Surveys Bravenet, FreePolls, FreeVote, Beseen, Pollit, FreePoll, Insta-Poll, NetVote, EZPolls, Votations, tons more. - free animated website calendar
Forms & Submiting Adobe Acrobat, Java script, CGI
Free Guestbooks Guestworld, Slambook, Beseen, Bravenet, GuestbookAp, Phaistos, Dreambook, Toast Guestbook, TheGuestbook, thousands more.
Free Chat Rooms Beseen, Bravenet, MultiCity, Xoom,..                                                                 Talking Characters
Free Message Boards / Forums EZboard - the best!, DiscussionAp, InsideTheWeb, BoardServer, Bravenet, Beseen, CoolBoard, SkriptKiddie, WWWThreads, Votatations, Bitlocker, LiveJournal, TagBoard,
Free Counters (usually included on most free web hosting sites) Nedstat, Counters, TheCounter, Beseen, eXTReMe Counter, Pagecount, Ultimate Counter, Free Stats, Hit Box, Web Tracker, Rotary Counter, LiveCounter, FastCounter, SuperStats, SiteMeter, MyComputer,
Free Links Pages Bravenet,.... MORE SOON.    Free Cursors: CursorMania, CursorCafe
Free Card Hosting (for setting up your own cards to send) Bravenet, MyPostcards, MouseHK
Webrings (to get more hits - join a webring - find a ring to join or make your own)
Mailing Lists (newsletters,etc. ) Freedback, Response-o-Matic, ListBot, CoolList, 1List, Vertical Response
Sounds (add some audio to your page) My Midis & Links, The Sound Site, Wav Central,
Animated Talking Character for your webpage
Fonts - Truetype, Type 1, Opentype, Linotype Fonts, DaFont, AcidFonts, FontFreak, Pcfonts, Fonts Galore, Fonts 4 Freaks, Font Empire, Free Fonts, My Fonts, Fontastic, FontHaus, 007Fonts, CoolFonts, FontFace, FreePcFonts, KillerFonts, More, More, Adobe, BuyFonts, Adobe, Rainbow Text, Famous Fonts, LinoType, My Fonts, 2, 3, Font Finder, Font Pool, High Fonts, AcidFonts, Free Fonts, WebpageFonts, Web Font List, Font Pool, House of Lime, FontStruct
Banner Help Link Exchange, 3dMaker, Banner Creation, Banner Creator, Animated Banner Creator, Animation, More, Animationonline, BannerSwap, Beseen, Bannerad, Banner Generator, BannerXChange, Banners, Linkbuddies
Buttons/Menus Heikki's Buttons, Atomic Arts, LuminEssence, Button Maker, Button Maker #2, Reallybig, AbsoluteDesigns, Free Web Design, Graphic Dump, Xara Webstyle Trial, ProDraw, Cool Graphics, OpenCube, Pop up Interactive Menus, Xara Webstyle, Flaming Text,
Web Backgrounds

Mine, Castle, Web Terrace, Archive, Heikki, Free, 2, More, ReallyBig, Textures, 2, Bordered, Tiles, BGiant, BG City, Absolute, Cool Notions, WebGround, BG Heaven, More, Links, 2, Other, Wendy

My Space,
FaceBook, Twitter, 
(Layouts, Backgrounds, Glitter,  Graphics,  Contact Tables, Slide Shows, More)
Love My Flash, Photo Bucket, Slide, Istock Photo, Project Playlist, Strikefile, Piczo, My Gen, More Lissa Explains, ChatCake, Space Daily, My Space Tweaks, Cool My Space, Cricket Soda, Pimp My Space, Got Cursors, My Space Graphic Help, Ht Mate 2, Surf Our Space, My Space Codes, Contact Tables, Tweaks, Jesses Gallery, Glitter Graphics, Free Glitters, Sparkle Graphics, Sparkle Tags, Add Glitter, Blingee, Emo Toxxic, My Space Now, Blingy Blob, Layout Codez, Zinger Bug, Hot Free Layouts, Codes 2 Go, MSMaster, Get On My Space, Dolls,    
Desktop Wallpapers Cognitive Distortion, Digital Blasphemy, Wallpaper-Desktop, Cool Wallpaper, Bfarber
Simple Graphics

Text Images: CoolText Generator, 3d Text Maker, Mind Gem Graffiti MakerXara tester, Xara 3d, Font Express,
Webgrfx Render, Cool 3d, VReal, Illustrator Pattern Maker, Hot Text,
Graffiti Maker,
Dogbyte Creative Photo Album Deluxe

Pictures Images:
Deezin, Eye, Freegraphics, Animagic, Coffee Cup Gif Animator, Free Web Art, Photodisc, Free, 2CoolAnimations, Animation Library, Robin's , ProDraw Animation, AllFree, ProDraw Links, Squirrel's Nest, Graphic Land, AnimFactory, Graphics, Animations, FreeSite, CoolArchive, GiffOmania, Aphids, GIFCruncher, Gif & Jpg Compression, Lake Pic Effect, Flaming Text, BoxedArt, Best Templates, Cool ClipArt, Copyright Free Stuff

PS & Flash - Advanced Graphics/ Interface / Tutorials 

 Check these places for free software trials: Sofware Homepages,,,,,

(Great software to use : Adobe - Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, etc. , Macromedia - Flash, Ulead - Xara Corel Bryce 5, Newtek - Lightwave 3D, Metacreations - Carrara, Curious Labs - Poser, Shade, MGI Corp - MGI, BorisFX, Quark Illustrator  Free Vector Brushes, Free PS Brushes!!! 2, 3, 4, PS Support
Bring your site alive! The Best!!  ... Fading Grids, Interface Examples, Photoshop Tutorials, & More.
JLWDesigns, Deviant Art,
Zero Art, Design Spice, PhotoshopCafe, 1, Good Tutorials!, PS Roap Map, PS911, Pure PS, PS Gurus PSLover, Desktop Publishing, PS stuff, Tutorials911, PS & Flash Tutorials, Tutorial Outpost, Nanson's PS Tutorials, PSP Bck Tutorial, Graphic User Interface,  Eyes on Design, Web Templates, Topaz , Topaz 1, Topaz 2, Topaz 3, BluesFear, Spyroteknik, RaZorDesign, DBM, Phong, Nav-Works, Eye-ball, 2Design, Tipareth, AmplifiedDesign, Chase, ZeroArt, Aigraphics, Rusted Faith, 2advanced, Joehargrave, Debauer, Zeroplace, Spyroteknik, Neofrog, DreamInfinity, HyperPark, Axxess Denied, Supreem, Reality9, Orange Graphics, Reality, Graphics World, Karoo, Spoono, Razor Art, Jerm, Xbox, SwishZone, LuminEssence, Infinite Fish, Fantastic Arts, RNel  Rendervisions, Pixel 2 Life, StudioWhiz Falcon Design, Grey Cobra, Trondis, Lethal Designs, Amp3D, Swe Designz, TD-Designs, DayDream Graphix, Precision Art, Shadowness, Metatrox, EQ, Reaction Designs, Melonn, JLS, Infinitee-Designs, Moe's Realm, Ozones, Phong, Heckman, Erain, Virtual Fx,     Deep Space Web!, Graphics Software, New Riders, Goose's World, RPM Design, Gurus Network, Xanthic Eye,  Nature Morphosis, Ades Design Digital Tropic, Savvy, TutorGig, Web Machine, End Effect, LiquiSoft, Steel Dolphin, Ice, Robouk, Pixel Junction, Absolute Cross Swart, AdultSpin,  DigIt, Sharkshock, Renderosity, Designer Today, Digital Illustrations, Exa Studios, Xeon Designs, Hotscripts, Iboost, Tis Designs, Tutorial Outpost, Kiwi Design, Photoshop Support, Amp3d.net13dots, Flash Funnies, Flashplanet, Flash tutorials, Flashkit, SitepalFlash Academy, Kirupa Flash Tutorials, Creative 3d, Flash Player Modules, TutorialSelect, All Graphic Design, Russell Brown, Design Spice, Whisker Graphics Scrapbook, Digital Artist Toolbox
 ... A must learn Flash tutorial -
sharpen flash images ! Wilshire Web Design, Graphics of Eden Templates

Photoshop Plugins / Filters
Remember: Interfaces, filters, plugins, actions, 1,  gradients, brushes, 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6,  patterns, channels, layers, styles, shapes,  tutorials. Combine and experiment!! Save your own custom patterns. Go Adobe!!

Extensis, FlamingPear, Auto FX, Action Addiction, Action Xchange, Furbo Filters, Jasc, Sapphire Innovations, Chroma Graphics, Alien Skin, Xaos Tools, Ulead, Zaxwerks, Human Software, Andromedia, FutureFantastic, Plug-in Site, Davecentral, Altamira, Creoscitex, Textures, PSWM, PS Stuff, VDL, Simple Effects, PS Plugin Links, GoGo, PS extras, PS frames, Blade Pro Preset WebRing, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Photoshop CS Artistry Aurora , Genesis VFX,
3d Plugins, Extras, Light Factory,

Slideshows with Transitions Flash, Power Point, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Corel Move,   ....
ScreenSaver Slideshows:   ScreenPaver, Picture River, Screensaver XP, Cube 3d, etc.
Dvd Photo Slideshows:        IntelliTools InAlbum 1.0, Dvd Photo Slideshow,
Screenshot Capture Snag It, Any Screen Capture, EasyCaptureScreen, Quick Screen Capture, Solid Capture, 5 Clicks, MGI Photosuite 8
Java Scripts/Applets
JavaGoodies, JavaPowered, Java, JavaScripts, FreeJava, Giffomania, Website Abstraction, OpenCube, Zapa, DynamicDrive, JavaGames, Javastuff, Java Tools, Webcoach Java, Sparky's Java, Java, John's World , Java Tools Index, Startime, CodeGuru's Java, DZingers, Cut-N-Paste JavaScript, JavaLinks, JavaReviews, Java, Source, Java&Gif, JavaBoutique, Smart Script
CGI/Perl Scripts CGI Resources, Matt's CGI Archive, CGI Script Search, CGI Resources, Free Code, FreeSiteTool's CGI, Selena Sol's Script Archive, Shopping Carts
Frames/StyleSheets Need help setting up your site with frames? Frame Links, or buy, or checkout easy references book from the library (i.e. Short Order Html 4) Dreamweaver Editor can also create easy frames.
More Helpful Sites Alert! Need help? Web Design Helper, WebClass, Total Tutorials, Devolping Webs, Tutorials911, Code Phobia, Cool Links, StewartStudio, EyeWire, Absolutcross, Iserv, Eyeland, Grafx-design, Eye, Free Tools, BigNoseBird, Ramos, Microscope, ReallyBig, Tila, Builder, Dive Shack, Web Site Garage, ZD net, AndOver, DevEdge, SlashDot, Consortium, DHTML Zone, Webmonkey, Web Promoting Tips, NetterWebDesignHelp, Article, Hotwired, Elated, Josh, Eyeland, Webtools, WebPageHelp, Web Designer's Paradise, Html Writer's Guild, Html, SmartSite, PutorTutor, Free, More, 2, 3, InformIt, Visual-Arts-Studios, Web Reference,
Gain web traffic - Submit Your Site! (not all are free) : Links4Trade, Free Submit, Banner Explode, Free Center, Submit Pro, SRN, Scrub the Web, YellowPage, Developer, LinkExchange, Hot Top Search, AddMe, @Submit! Site Owner, Announce it America!, Postmaster, Register-It!, Submit It!, VirtualPromote, A1's Directory, INeeedHits, Homepage Center, Goto, Vendio
Best Search Engines 2 Find Other Resources GoogleYahoo, HotBot, Alta Vista, Nbci, Infoseek, Dogpile, About, Excite, Lycos, Search, Search123, GoTo, GoInfoplease, Deja, 1Blink, DirectHit, Connections200, ClickHeretoFind Skinny Llama, CNet Google Pics, Ditto Pics, Corbis Pics, Yahoo Pics, Astalavista, Afterdawn

Enter - Home, MusicNews, MusicFav, Midis, Sports, Poetry, Quotes, Epinions, Astronomy, 2, Girl, Guy, Me, Backgrounds, Style, Cars, Cards, Quiz, Web Resource, Oregon, Links, Message Board, Chat, E-mail