This page might have some shit that people might not like and whatnot so if you don't like it don't read or look at it, this is my page not yours so never tell me what to do with it and if you don't like that you can just suck a fart from my asshole...
What the hell are you starin at!!
Duckman is your god
Got an amusing little cartoon of Pandora taken from Kerrang magazine, I saw this and I just had to put it on my page.....
This is me on my freind Ben's Lowrider, I had to bug the shit out of him to let me ride around on it..
..THe JeFF InFO..
Click on the pic for info on me and a few pix of meh if yer that bored....
...SoMe StuFF i THinK iS CooL...
Hear is where I put some art pix I made useing psp and shit, I also put my fav songs, quoets and poems and shit that I worte too maybe, if yer that bored heh well ya know what ta do...
hese are some original photos of bands live, or before/after the show that I have taken, if ya care ta see them then give me 5...
Live band Pix...
Hear is a link to a really cool place to chat with people on line called the Palace chat, check it out, it's one place you can find me when i'm online...
...My FrEiNdS...
Hear is some pix of a few of my freinds and ppl I know and shit, some of the pix are a lil freaky, but most of my freinds are so heh check em out...
Hear is a link to my news in music and orther random news crap page, good info on bands and tells what there up to and shit like that...
Hear is some links to a few really good local bands from hear in my home city London Ont...
This is one of my fav bands from London Ontario,they are called P.O.M and this is a link to there official page, the page kinda sux, go there and check it out if ya want...
Hear is a link to EK-RECORDS, P.O.M is on there lable and the link hear has a lil info on the band, i'll say it looks better then there cheep ass so called "official page" but eh whatever, click on the pic....
Click on the link above and there you can download some P.O.M's mp3s from the page....
P.O.M has An intense groove metal sound, with traces of hip-hop influence and pure eratic breaks!!..
...Before my Eyes...
Slush fund had to change there name because there is a punk band called Slush fund I guess, they are now known as Before my Eyes now and they are another wicked band from London Ont, there sound is hard to define because of the variance in grooves from song to song...
YPF is a punk band from London Ontario, this is there new page and shit and it kinda sux now but maybe it will get worked on, there old one was by far better but the master mind that did the page took it down and someone else is doing this one so eh check it out, there my buds and it will tell ya what YPF stands for on the page *smirk* so click on the toilet
Kittie is another wicked local band of girls
from London Ont that have made it pretty big, they was just on tour with slipknot and now are doing a few shows with sevendust and will be on this summers ozzfest 2000, check em out...
This page is far from done, so come back whenever your bored and check it out if ya want....
March 18 was the last time this page had some shit done to it
People have been to this gay ass page...
E mail me @ jonabe123@hotmail.comSo send lots of porn...jk
Look up orther cool pages with this geocites search thingy...
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