...Cool StuFF...
Hear is some Art, Quoets & song and Poems that I like or did myself, just the art part really, I'm not that smart ta come up with my own really good quoets or poems unless it was something really stupid I said or did heh, but anyways take a look at the shit, the songs and quotes is the part I myself like the most, but all it is really is my fav songs and quoets, so eh enjoy it...
...Jeff's Art...
K hear is some shit I made with useing psp 6, I got bored and did em so heh if yer as bored as I was ta make em maybe youll take a fast peek, why not eh yer hear now so ya must be fucking bored...
...Quoets & Songs...
Hear is some of my fav song and quoets, feel free ta read em and enjoy em as much as I do...
hear is a few pomes that I like and did myself...
Go Bak hOmE