My Own Personal (Year Too Late) Millennium Review

I have a lot of thoughts on this album. I love it to death. Everyone has their favourite song, and opinion about this LP, but I can say one thing that makes it their best album so far: It is nothing like their red album (in case you're an asinine half-wit, I'm talking about the "European-Canadian" version of Backstreet Boys). I do not own that album. I will never own that album. I do, however, own the American debut CD (known to Americans as Backstreet Boys…One thing that bugs me is that it has the same cover as Backstreet's Back. Couldn't they be more creative?) because it combines the best of the red album (with the gross exception of Get Down...for some obscure reason, that song really annoys me...I don't know why) and some stuff from Backstreet's Back. Then there is Backstreet's Back, which is why I fell in love with the Boys to start off with. (Yes, that's where it all began…) When Millennium came out, I got it the second day, the 19th of May. I had to prove to myself that I was not a psycho-obsessed fan by waiting another day, and not rushing out between classes to get it. So, to get to the point of this endless tirade, here is a song by song run down on what I think of their best CD.

Larger Than Life This song is cool. I like it. The video trashed the hell out of the song, by taking out the really cool guitar riff and putting in that retarded dance break. But I like the song, and the way the voices are presented in it epitomise (don't you just love that word? Sorry, that's my Eng. lit teacher speaking) the very thing about the Boys that I love. They sound good. Their voices compliment each other really well. They have attitude without sounding like wannabes (*cough* NSYNC *cough*) They can sing almost anything and still sound good.

I Want It That Way When I got the single for this, I made a mix tape , where it played six times, in between other songs that I like. I think that this should be enough said. Everyone knows it, everyone likes it. They let everyone sing a solo on it, including Howie! I like the way that they all harmonise the second last line. It sounds fabulous. The video, however, is a bunch of meaningless dribble. Don't even try to email me to bitch me out, to tell me I'm wrong, and then present some far out theory about the meaning. It won't work. For my final project in media, my subject was music videos. I can analyse almost any video and find some hidden meaning. But I couldn't for I Want It That Way, and neither could anyone in my class when I asked them too. So don't try it, or else I will have to get verbal on your ass. It served it's purpose, by renewing everyone's addiction to the Boys, and earned them their record-breaking sales. Plus, it is a good stage in the Evolution of Nick's Hair.

Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely A more serious song, I loved it when I heard it, but now it grates my nerves. It's a good song, good display of vocals. I particularly like the Kevin-Nick duo-line. It's fabulous. At the end, the key change builds up for the last line, full of impact with the harmony. And finally, a video with a little bit more symbolism and meaning. My kudos goes out to the guys, and I hope to see more songs like this in the future. And they do it so well live. The subtle harmonies are more obvious. The Grammies…that should be enough said.

It's Gotta Be You Who ever thought that this song should be on this album, and not the red one (where it belongs) should be dragged out into the street and shot. Okay, I'm being brutal. It's funky, funny (I nearly hit an oncoming vehicle when I heard the techno-Nick solo thing at the beginning), but it doesn't show the same amount of maturity that the rest of the songs do. It just sticks out. But I realise the need for having faster, dance-ier songs on a ballad-happy CD, but they could do so much better that this. But they manage to pull it off rather well. If they were a less talented band, it could have been a major tragedy.

I Need You Tonight A Nick solo. Cool. I was pleased, confused, but impressed. I don't have a favourite in the group, much to the amazement of many who read my fan fiction, and except for a slight affection for Nick's hair (even in the bad stages of it's evolution), I have no favourite. Why do I write about Nick? His voice kinda speaks to me, you know? I just like it, and in this song, I think it's fabulous and inspiring (hence Priorities. It was going to be about AJ, I swear, but I was sitting down, writing when this song came on and before I could stop myself, I threw Lilia with Nick). A little near the end, it takes on a whiney note while trying to convey emotion, but I do not blame this on the singer. I blame it on the producer, because when performing this song live, there is no whine. None. (At least when it was still Heaven in Your Eyes, that is…who knows, change the name, might change the way it's sung).

Don't Want You Back One word. Kick-ass. Okay, that might be two. Anyway, this song is fabulous. Vocally, instrumentally…the list can go on. I like it a lot. It's definitely a great song.

Don't Wanna Loose You Now I love this song. I can just listen to it for hours and hours, and never get sick of it. Never. I don't know why I like it so much, but it's very appealing to me, and I think it's a fabulous song.

The One Good song, different sound. I like the beat. The video is cool, too. The whole tour scrapbook idea has been done before, but I can cope with that. It's awesome. This song is very BSB, written by one of them, then the video directed by another. It's a song that is very appealing to a lot of people, given the subject matter, and the words are sincere, not sappy and it's still dancey.

Back to Your Heart Kevin. Kevin, Kevin, with your abnormally large eyebrows, your annoying speech slowness, and the fact that ever since the Everybody video, I can't get the picture of you as a lizard out of my head. Despite all of this, I can say that, Kevin, anytime you ever feel so inclined to write a song, feel free. I love this song. It's genius. It's another one of the songs that I can never get sick of. It's light, it's ballad-material, but it's just so…I don't know, I adore it. Good job Kevin.

Spanish Eyes This song has video potential. Email me if you want my idea. Anyway, on to the song. The whole one-person-carrying-the-chorus idea is kinda nice. It's different, fresh. I like it.

No One Else Comes Close This song belongs on Backstreet's Back. It doesn't show the same growth, maturity that the rest of the songs ('cept It's Gotta Be You) have. Don't get me wrong, it is a good song, and the vocal quality and integrity help pull off the song. But it could fit in quite nicely with Backstreet's Back, as it fits that style a bit more.

Perfect Fan I better not say anything bad about this song, else I know I'll be massacred. It's a good song. I just don't listen to it every time I listen to the album, that's all. Brian, good job, I can bet that your mother is very proud of you.

Overall, I love the album, I'm just rather critical about everything….And if this is the third one, I can't wait for the next one, because the way things are looking, it has the potential to be even better.

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